Programming models: GRIDSs, COMPSs and STARSs

Data: 27/Oct/2011 - 28/Oct/2011 Time:


Aula 01
Facultat de Ciències Matemàtiques
Universitat de València
C/ Dr. Moliner, 50
46100 Burjassot, València 
Check the location map just clicking here.

Target group: The seminar was aimed at all the RES users or potential users interested in the topic.

Cost: Attendance to the seminar was free of charge.

Primary tabs

First Day
12.00h - Welcome
12.15h - GRIDSs/COMPSs objective and overview
12.45h - A sample code
13.15h - Configuration, compilation and deployment
13.45h - Monitoring and Debugging
14.15h - Break
15.30h - Tracing and performance Analysis 
16.00h - Programming examples. Tips and tricks.  
16.30h - Migration from GRIDSs to COMPSs
17.00h - Hands on  
17.30h - End of the first day

Second Day
09.00h - StarSs overview
09.30h - Sample code
10.00h - Single node hands-on
11.00h - Break
11.30h - Hybrid model MPI/SMPSs
12.00h - Programming examples
12.30h - MPI/SMPSs hands-on
13.00h -
Performance analysis
13.30h - End of the seminar

Find here the slides used during these 2nd day of training:

Tutorial Programming with STARSs
Tutorial STARSs Hands On

Find here the agenda* in pdf format 

Please contact with in case you require further information.