Seasonal Schools. Past events

Dilluns, 02 Setembre, 2024 al Divendres, 06 Setembre, 2024
- 09:00
Abba Garden Hotel
Dilluns, 08 Juliol, 2024 al Divendres, 12 Juliol, 2024
- 09:00


Diumenge, 02 Juliol, 2023 al Divendres, 07 Juliol, 2023
- 09:00
Abba Garden hotel & BSC-Repsol Building
Dilluns, 26 Juny, 2023 al Divendres, 30 Juny, 2023
- 08:00
The Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) currently offers a number of courses covering CUDA architecture and programming languages for parallel computing. Please contact us for possible collaborations

The PUMPS+AI Summer School will take place at the:

Located at the Campus Nord of UPC. The full address of the campus is:

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Campus Nord
c/ Jordi Girona 1-3
08034 Barcelona

Directions using Google maps

Dissabte, 03 Setembre, 2022 al Dimarts, 06 Setembre, 2022
- 09:00
On its 12th edition, the Programming and tUning Massively Parallel Systems + Artificial Intelligence summer school (PUMPS+AI) offers researchers and graduate students a unique opportunity to improve their skills with cutting-edge techniques and hands-on experience in developing and tuning applications for many-core processors with massively parallel computing resources like GPU accelerators, with a special focus on AI.
Location: Sala Àgora (C3 Building), UPC
Dilluns, 29 Agost, 2022 al Divendres, 02 Setembre, 2022
- 08:00
The 2022 ACM Europe Summer School on “HPC Computer Architectures for AI and Dedicated Applications” will take place 29 August - 2 September. It will be hosted by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS) and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). This edition of the school will take place in-person in Barcelona.

Auditori, BSC-Repsol Building & Sala d'Actes, UPC

Dilluns, 05 Juliol, 2021 al Divendres, 09 Juliol, 2021
- 15:00
On its 11th edition, the Programming and tUning Massively Parallel Systems + Artificial Intelligence summer school (PUMPS+AI) offers researchers and graduate students a unique opportunity to improve their skills with cutting-edge techniques and hands-on experience in developing and tuning applications for many-core processors with massively parallel computing resources like GPU accelerators, with a special focus on AI.
Location: Online
Diumenge, 05 Juliol, 2020 al Divendres, 10 Juliol, 2020
- 09:00
The tenth edition of the Programming and Tuning Massively Parallel Systems + Artificial Intelligence summer school (PUMPS+AI) is aimed at enriching the skills of researchers, graduate students and teachers with cutting-edge technique and hands-on experience in developing applications for many-core processors with massively parallel computing resources like GPU accelerators.
Location: Barcelona Supercomputing Center / Computer Architecture Dept. at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
Dimarts, 25 Juny, 2019 al Dissabte, 29 Juny, 2019
- 09:00
The tenth edition of the Programming and Tuning Massively Parallel Systems + Artificial Intelligence summer school (PUMPS+AI) is aimed at enriching the skills of researchers, graduate students and teachers with cutting-edge technique and hands-on experience in developing applications for many-core processors with massively parallel computing resources like GPU accelerators.
Location: Barcelona Supercomputing Center / Computer Architecture Dept. at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
Dilluns, 16 Juliol, 2018 al Divendres, 20 Juliol, 2018
- 09:00
On its ninth edition, the Programming and tUning Massively Parallel Systems summer school (PUMPS) premiers a brand-new "+AI" design, offering researchers and graduate students a unique opportunity to improve their skills with cutting-edge techniques and hands-on experience in developing and tuning applications for many-core processors with massively parallel computing resources like GPU accelerators, with more content devoted to artificial intelligence.
Location: Barcelona Supercomputing Center / Computer Architecture Dept. at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
