PRACE Training Course: Performance Analysis and Tools

Data: 21/May/2012 - 22/May/2012 Time:


The course will take place in
Barcelona Supercomputing Centre,
within the UPC Campus Nord premises,
Vertex building, room 214.

Target group: Level:  INTERMEDIATE: for trainees with some theoretical and practical knowledge. (All courses are designed for specialists with at least finished 1st cycle degree)

Cost: There is no registration fee. The attendees would need to cover the expenses for travel, accommodation and meals.

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The objective of this course is to learn how Paraver and Dimemas tools can be used to analyze the performance of parallel applications and to familiarize with the tools usage as well as instrumenting applications with Extrae.

Learning Outcomes:

The students who finish this course will have a basic knowledge on the usage of the BSC performance tools. They will be able to apply the same methodology to their applications, identifying potential bottlenecks and getting hints on how to improve the applications performance.


The trainees are expected to come with their own laptop. If you develop applications you can also bring your code to use it on the hands-on sessions.

NOTE: PATC courses do not have registration fee. You need to fill in an Application form.

You can now access the lecture notes under "Materials"

Recommended Accomodation:

Please follow the link for map of some local hotels.

Contact Us:

prace [at] bsc [dot] es (CONTACT US) for further details about MSc, PhD, Post Doc studies, exchanges and collaboration in education and training with BSC.

For further details about Postgraduate Studies in UPC - Barcelona School of Informatics (FiB), visit the website.


If you want to learn more about PRACE project, visit the website.