This research line aims to do research and development on libraries and tools to support quantum algorithms and hybrid classical-quantum workflows based on the use of distributed computing frameworks, in particular, based on PyCOMPSs.
Quantum computing is an emerging field of cutting-edge computer science that involves a novel paradigm that has the potential to revolutionize how problems are solved with traditional computing.
In this context, we are looking into the challenges that quantum computing and the scientists using these technologies are facing from the point of view of distributed computing.
We aim at providing libraries and tools to support the management of quantum algorithms and circuits, such as tools for circuit cutting, both through wire and gate cutting.
We also aim at providing support to the development of hybrid workflows that combine classical and quantum computing.
To support the developments that these research encompasses, we are using the PyCOMPSs programming model.
- Develop libraries and tools to support the management of quantum algorithms. In particular, develop tools to support circuit cutting and optimization of number of cuts under specific user constraints.
- Provide simple interfaces to end users that enable them to use the libraries and tools and to execute them in complex distributed platforms: simulations in CPU and GPUs and real executions in Quantum systems, both on-site and through cloud interfaces.
- Provide programming environments and runtime tools that support the development and execution of complex hybrid workflows that span their execution in classical and quantum systems.