
Showing 291 - 300 results of 568

The most significant challenge in applied fluid dynamics (covering aerospace, energy and propulsion, automotive, maritime industries, chemical process industries) is posed by the insufficient understanding of turbulence-dependent features and laminarto-turbulent transition. As a consequence, the design and analysis of industrial equipment cannot be relied upon to accurately...

L'agrupació en tecnologies emergents "Designing RISC-V-based Accelerators for next generation computers" (DRAC) disenyarà, verificarà, implementarà i fabricarà un processador de propòsit general d¿altes prestacions on s'incorporaran diferents acceleradors basats en la tecnologia RISC-V, i amb aplicacions específiques en...

High performance computing (HPC) has transformed scientific research across numerous disciplines by supportingtheory and experiments with numerical simulations. Exascale computing is the next milestone in HPC and is called to play an important role in economic competitiveness, societal challenges and science leadership. Combustion isone of the fields with high strategic...

This project aims at supporting and enhancing modern oncology, by implementing a cultural, technological and legal integrated framework (EUCANCan) across Europe and Canada, for the efficient analysis, management and sharing of cancer genomic data. This cooperative framework is not only expected to immediately contribute to improve biomedical research in cancer, but to also...

This project is going to apply exascale HPC techniques to different energy industry simulations of critical interest for Mexico. ENERXICO will give solutions for oil & gas industry in upstream, midstream and downstream problems, wind energy industryand combustion efficiency for transportation. This project brings together the main stakeholders of the energy industry...

CCiCC addresses the crucial knowledge gap in the climate sensitivity to carbon dioxide emissions, by reducing uncertainty in our quantitative understanding of carbon-climate interactions and feedbacks. This will be achieved through innovative integration of models and observations, providing new constraints on modelled carbon-climate interactions and climate projections, and...

Sustainable management of human activities affecting Atlantic marine ecosystems is critical to maintain its health and tosupport the blue economy of the bordering countries. TRIATLAS will contribute to this by delivering knowledge of the current state and future changes of the Atlantic marine ecosystems. We achieve this through a basin-wide approach that integratesresearch...

L’ IOT (Internet de les coses) és un sector emergent basat en tecnologies impulsores com la connectivitat tant en alta velocitat com en alta cobertura, la alta capacitat de computació, la reducció del consum energètic, les tecnologies d’analítica de dades i aprenentatge però també associat a reptes socials com la...

PRACE, the Partnership for Advanced Computing is the permanent pan-European High Performance Computing service providing world-class systems for world-class science. Systems at the highest performance level (Tier-0) are deployed by Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Switzerland, providing researchers with more than 17 billion core hours of compute time. HPC experts from 25...

The traditional view is that species and their genomes evolve only by vertical descent, leading to evolutionary histories that can be represented by bifurcating lineages. However, modern evolutionary thinking recognizes processes of reticulate evolution, such as horizontal gene transfer or hybridization, which involve total or partial...
