Virtual SORS: Wild tales: Jumping from structural bioinformatics into the multi omics field

Data: 13/Oct/2020 Time: 11:00


Virtual seminar via Zoom, with required registration

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Abstract: I was initially trained as a structural bioinformatician that later on moved into the multi omics field. However, although initially these two subfields seem to be a universe apart, algorithms can be borrowed from one to another. This talk will show this duality in my scientific experience with two stories. I will first talk about how we study proteins and the remaining energetic conflicts in their native conformations to understand their molecular function. After, I will talk about my current postdoctoral project where I am integrating different multi omics types of data to understand Medulloblastoma disease at the single cell level. 

Short biography: Gonzalo Parra got his BSc/MSc. in Bioinformatics in 2010 from Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos, Argentina. His undergraduate thesis was about “Candidate genes involved in pluripotency maintenance in embryonic stem cells”, supervised by Dr. Patricio Yankilevich. From 2011 to 2016 he joined the Protein Physiology Lab at Buenos Aires University, under the supervision of Prof. Diego Ferreiro where he got his PhD working in the field of structural bioinformatics. After graduating, Gonzalo obtained an EMBO long term fellowship and joined the group of Dr. Johannes Soeding at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Goettingen, Germany. At the Soeding group, Gonzalo changed his research topic, moving to the field of single cell transcriptomics developing tools to understand cellular differentiation. Currently he is a postdoctoral researcher at EMBL in the group of Oliver Stegle working in the integration of multi omics data to understand the Medulloblastoma disease. Google Scholar profile:


R. Gonzalo Parra, a postdoctoral researcher at EMBL