RES Diffusion Sessions in the Canary Islands

Data: 27/Sep/2011 - 28/Sep/2011 Time:


27th September, 2011. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
Venue: Salón de Actos
           Edificio Polivalente I
           Parque Científico y Tecnológico de la ULPGC
           Campus de Tafira
           C/ Practicante Ignacio Rodríguez s/n
           35017 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
           Information about how to arrive

28th September, 2011. Tenerife.

Venue: Aula de Investigación
           Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
           c/ Vía Láctea s/n
           38205 La Laguna, Tenerife

           Information about how to arrive

Target group: The seminar was aimed at all the RES users, potential users and as well students or scientifics interested in the topics o science and supercomputing services.

Cost: Attendance to the seminar was free of charge.

Primary tabs

First Day (27th September, 2011. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.)
08.30h - Opening and registration
09.00h - Welcome (Juan Ruiz Alzola, Director of the Research, Innovation and Information Society Agency, Canary Islands

09.10h - Technologic Institute of the Canary Islands (Juan José Ascanio, Director of the Systems and Knowledge Management

09.30h - University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Dr. José Antonio Carta, Director of the Support Services R & D + i Dpt.)
09.50h -
The Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES) and the European Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe
(Montserrat González, RES Management technician in BSC-CNS)
10.20h - Coffee break
11.00h - The sizes of massive galaxies from redshift 2.5 to the present (Maria Trinidad Tapia, IAC &
University of La Laguna)
11.30h - Supercomputing Applied to Power Meteorology at the ITC (Rafael Nebot Medina, ITC)
12.00h - Design and characterization of nano materials and simulation (Dr. Alfonso Muñoz González, Department of
              Fundamental Physics II, University of La Laguna)

12.30h -
Parallellization tools (Xavier Abellán, Support technician in BSC-CNS)
13.30h - Lunch break
15.00h - Access methods and services provided by ITC, RES and PRACE
(M. Belén Esteban, Support Technician in ITC &
             Montserrat González, RES Management technician in BSC-CNS)

16.00h - Conclusions (M. Belén Esteban, Support Technician in ITC & Montserrat González, RES Management technician in 

16.30h - End of the session

Second Day (28th September, 2011. Tenerife.)
09.00h - Opening and registration
09.30h - Welcome (Carlos Martinez Roger, IAC subdirector)
09.40h - Astrophysics Institute of the Canary Islands (Alfred Rosenberg, Scientific Advisor at IAC)

09.50h - The Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES) and the European Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe
(Montserrat González, RES Management technician in BSC-CNS)
10.20h - Coffee break
11.00h - Magneto-convection and wave simulations of solar and stellar atmosphere (Elena Khomenko, IAC and
University of
              La Laguna)

11.30h - Supercomputing Applied to Power Meteorology at the ITC (Rafael Nebot Medina, ITC)
12.00h - Design and characterization of nano materials and simulation (Dr. Alfonso Muñoz González, Department of
              Fundamental Physics II, University of La Laguna)

12.30h - Parallellization tools (Xavier Abellán, Support technician in BSC-CNS)
13.30h - Lunch break
15.00h - Access methods and services provided by IAC, RES and PRACE
(Ubay Dorta, HPC technician at IAC & Montserrat
             González, RES Management technician in BSC-CNS)

16.15h - Conclusions
16.30h - End of the session

* The seminar will take place in the mentioned dates and locations, but the timetable might be slightly modified.