Sergi Girona Turell

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The main objective of HPC-Europa2 is to continue the provision of a high quality service for transnational access to the advanced HPC systems available in Europe. This activity has been available on an ongoing basis as a highly-rated and trusted service for almost two decades. The HPC-Europa2 partnership includes as Transnational Access centres CINECA (Italy), BSC (Spain),...

The use of High Performance Computing (HPC) is commonly recognized as a key strategic element in improving understanding of complex phenomena, in both research and industry. The constant growth of generated data - Big Data - and the computing capabilities of extreme systems are leading to a new generation of computers composed of millions of heterogeneous cores which will...

The use of High Performance Computing (HPC) is commonly recognized a key strategic element both in research and industry for an improvement of the understanding of complex phenomena. The constant growth of generated data -Big Data- and computing capabilities of extreme systems lead to a new generation of computers composed of millions of heterogeneous cores which will provide...

The main aim of this project was to extend DEISA (Distributed European Infrastructure for Supercomputing Applications), an existing FP6 I3 Grid empowered research infrastructure. Rather than being a new I3 initiative, eDEISA should therefore be understood in the context of the existing DEISA supercomputing grid research infrastructure.

