Altra formació passada

Dimarts, 24 Gener, 2023 al Dimecres, 25 Gener, 2023

Dimecres, 30 Novembre, 2022 al Divendres, 02 Desembre, 2022

Current EU decarbonization strategies are promoting the use of green hydrogen across different sectors from energy power generation to transportation in automotive, marine and aerospace applications. In these applications, the hydrogen is converted directly into electricity by the use fuel cells, or converged into heat by combustion.

Dimarts, 08 Novembre, 2022 al Dijous, 10 Novembre, 2022

Dijous, 20 Octubre, 2022

Dilluns, 17 Octubre, 2022 al Dimecres, 19 Octubre, 2022

The goal of this activity is to help optimize applications using a variety of programming models.

Dilluns, 23 Maig, 2022 al Divendres, 27 Maig, 2022

The 6th Barcelona VPH Summer School will be held on May 23-27, 2022, and will focus on Highly Multifactorial Disorders.

Dilluns, 24 Gener, 2022 al Divendres, 28 Gener, 2022

Dimarts, 02 Novembre, 2021 al Dijous, 04 Novembre, 2021

Dilluns, 30 Agost, 2021 al Divendres, 03 Setembre, 2021

The 2021 ACM Europe Summer School on “HPC Computer Architectures for AI and Dedicated Applications” will take place 30 August - 3 September, and it is hosted by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS) and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). This edition of the school will be fully remote.
