Panel session: “Future of the HPC”. ACM, ICS, International Conference on Supercomputing. Beijing, June 15th. 2018.
Chairman of the panel session: “From the Data to the Information”XVII Conferences of the Circle of Technologies for the Security and the Defense Foundation. Museum "Coin's house". Madrid, October 25th, 2016.
- Chairman of the panel session: “Why Connexion to Industry is Critical for Research in Scientific Computing”. JLEC Workshop. Joint INRIA-ANL-UIUC-BSC Workshop. Chicago, Nov. 24-26, 2014.
- Chairman of the Inaugural Session of the PRACE days 14. Barcelona, May 21th, 2014.
- Panel Session. Joint meeting Brasil and EU collaboration on HPC. Porto de Galinha, Brasil. October 25, 2013.
- Panel session. EU-Russia HPC Workshop. Sant Peterburg, Russia. September 30th, 2013.
- Panel session “Discussion for collaboration between EU and China on Supercomputing”. First Europe- China HPC Conference. Sofia, Bulgaria, April, 9th, 2013.
- Chairman of the Inaugural Session of the EESI Conference. The Europen Exascale Software Initiative. Barcelona, October 10th-11th, 2011
- Chairman of the Ceremony presenting the Gordon Bell Awards. Chairman of the Committee. ACM, SC09, Supercomputing Conference. Portland, USA, November 19th, 2009
- Session where the papers finalist to the Gordon Bell Award were presented. ACM, SC09, Supercomputing Conference. Portland, USA, November 18th, 2009.
- Working day RAI Coordinator, Royal Engineering Academy of Spain, about “High Performance Computing”. Madrid, October 23rd 2007.
- Panel session “Architecture for Manycore”. The Manycore Computing Workshop, organized by Microsoft. Seattle, June 20-21, 2007.
- Keynote Talk at ICS 2007. “Harnessing Massive Paralellism in the era of Paralellism for the Masses”. Craig Stunkel. ICS, IEEE-ACM International Conference on Supercomputers. Seattle June16-20, 2007.
- Keynote talk at ISCA33. “Computer Architecture Research and Future Microprocessors: Where do we go from here? Yale Patt University of Texas at Austin. The 33th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer Architecture. Program Chiar, Boston 17-21 June 2006.
- Talk coordinator on TIC Communication and Technologies organized by the Royal Academy of Engineering of Spain, Madrid 25th January 2006.
- Keynote talk at Micro38. “The Future Evolution of High-Performance Microprocessors” by Norm Jouppi, HP Labs. The 38th. IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture. Program Chair. Barcelona, 12-16 November 2005.
- Session on “e-Science at CERN”. Spanish conferences of the e-Science. Santiago de Compostela, Spain. July 9, 2005
- Session on “e-Science Programme in the UK”. Spanish conferences of the e-Science. Santiago de Compostela, Spain. July 9, 2005
- Session on “European Infrastructures for E-Science”. Spanish conferences of the e-Science. Santiago de Compostela, Spain. July 9, 2005.
- “Virtual Machines: Supporting Changing Technology and New Applications”. Keynote lecture at CF05 given by Professor Jim Smith. Ischia, Italy. May 4th., 2005
- Moderator of the Workshopn on “E-Science in Spain”, organized by FECyT, the spanish Foundation for Science and Technology. Madrid, October 8th, 2004.
- “Breaking Down the Memory Wall for Scalable Microprocessors Platforms”. Keynote lecture at PACT gyven by Professor Wen-mei Hwu. Antibes, France, October 1st 2004.
- “Microarchitectural Concepts”. ISCA. IEEE-ACM “International Conference on Computer Architecture”.Munich, June 2004.
- Special session on “Memory Wall”. CF-2004, ACM Conference on Computing Frontiers, Ischia, Italy. April 14th-16th. 2004.
- Session on “Network Processors and Interfaces”. WASP: Workshop on Application Specific Processors”. Held in conjunction with Micro-35. Istanbul, Turkey, November, 2002.
- Session on “Vector Processors”. ISCA-2002, International Symposium on Computer Architecture, Anchorage, Alaska, May, 25, 2002.
- Session on “ILP Issues”. WMPI-2002. Annual Workshop on Memory Performance Issues. ISCA-2002, International Symposium on Computer Architecture, Anchorage, Alaska, May, 25, 2002.
- Session on “The net and digital libraries”. Universidad Internacional Menéndez y Pelayo. Seminar about HAL9000. Valencia, October 18, 2001.
- Invited Talk at PACT-2001. Joel Emer, “EV8: The Post Ultimate Alpha” Barcelona Sept. 12th, 2001.
- “Best Papers Session”. International Conference on Parallel Processing, Valencia, Spain. Sept. 3-7, 2001.
- “Multithreading and Speculation”. Session 1. ISCA-28. IEEE and ACM, “International Conference on Computer Architecture”. Goteborg, Sweden. June 28- July 4th. 2001.
- “MP Memory Hierarchies”. Workshop on Memory Performance Issues. Goteborg, Sweden. June 30-July 1, 2001.
- “Memory Models”. Session 1. ICS-15. IEEE-ACM “International Conference on Supercomputing”. Sorrento, Italy, June 18-21th. 2001.
- “Code Generation Techniques”. Session 4. IEEE-ACM HPCA-7. International Conference on High Performance Computers. Monterrey, Mexico, 20-22th. January 2001.
- “Invited Talks at the ISHPC Conference”. International Symposium on High Performance Computing. Tokyo, October 18, 2000.
- “Tutorial on OpenMP”. International Symp. on High Performance Computing. Tokyo, Oct. 19, 2000.
- “The Future of Simultaneous Multithreaded Architectures”. Panel Chair. Workshop on Multithreaded Execution, Architecture and Compilation. HPCA-6. IEEE-ACM. International Conference on High Performance Computer Architecture. Toulouse, France, 10-12th January 2000.
- “Prediction I”. HPCA-6. IEEE-ACM. International Conference on High Performance Computer Architecture. Toulouse, France, 10-12th January 2000.
- “Low Power Enhancements”. Micro-32. IEEE-ACM “International Symposium on Microarchitecture”. Haifa, Israel. 16-19th November 1999
- “Architecture-Driven Compilation”. PACT99. IEEE. “Parallel Architectures and Compiler Technology”. Newport Beach, California, 15th October 1999.
- “Instruction-Level Parallelism: Branch Prediction and Predication”. EuroPar99. Toulouse, 1-3th September 1999.
- “Instruction Level Distributed Processing”. Invited Lecture. ICS-13. IEEE-ACM “International Conference on Supercomputing”. Rhodes, 22th June, 1999.
- “How Conferences about High Performance Computers should be organized?”. Moderator of the Panel Session. ISHPC “International Symposium on High Performance Computing”. Nara, Japón, May 28th 1999.
- “Performance Enhancements”. HPCA-5. IEEE “International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architectures”. Orlando, Florida. 9-13th January 1999.
- “Current projects and the future of HPCN in the FP5”. ARCADE meeting (European Supercomputers Centres Meeting). Paris, Francia 20th November 1998.
- “Branch and Value Prediction”. PACT´98. IEEE-ACM “Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques”. Paris, 13-15th October 1998
- “Architecture”. ICS-98. IEEE-ACM “International Conference on Supercomputing”. Melbourne, 17th July 1998.
- Chairman Opening Session. ISCA-98. IEEE-ACM “International Symposium on Computer Architecture”. Barcelona, June 1998.
- “Interconnection Networks”. 6th Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributing Processing. Madrid, January 21-23th 1998.
- “ILP Optimization and Code Scheduling”. PACT’97. IEEE-ACM “Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques”. San Francisco, 10-14th November 1997
- “Parallel Architectures”. ICS-11 IEEE-ACM “International Conference on Supercomputing”. Vienna, July 1997
- “Architecture”. IPPS-11. IEEE-ACM “International Parallel Processing Symposium ”, Ginebra, 1-5 April, 1997.
- “Computer Architecture II”. XV International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society. Arica (Chile), 1-3 November 1995.
- ICS-9. IEEE-ACM “International Conference on Supercomputing”. Chairman, Opening Session. Barcelona, July 1995.
- “High Performance Computing Applications”. High Performance Computing: Current Trends and Applications. Barcelona, November 1994.
- “Cache Coherence I” ICS-8. IEEE-ACM “International Conference on Supercomputing”. Manchester, England. July 11-15th 1994.
- “Evaluation of Parallelization Techniques”. Keynote Talk. Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing. Málaga, 26-28 January 1994.
- “Euromicro 93”. Chairman Opening Session. Barcelona, 7 September 1993.
- “Parallel Architectures”. High Performance Computing Forum. European Commett Initiative. Patras, 29-30th May 1993.
- “Architecture I”. Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe (PARLE-92). París, June 1992.
- “Supercomputers: Current Status”. Panel session. Workshop on Supercomputers. Science Computer Center of Andalucía. Sevilla, 3-5 December 1991.
- “Supercomputers Centres in Spain”. Spanish society on Numerical Methods. Workshop on Supercomputers and Networking. Barcelona, 21 November 1991.
- “Linear Algebra in Systolic Arrays”. Minisimposium. “Second SIAM Conference on Linear Algebra”. San Francisco, November 3-5th 1990.
- “Linear Algebra in Multiprocessor Systems”. Minisimposium “Second SIAM Conference on Linear Algebra”. San Francisco, November 3-5th 1990.
- “VLSI implementation”. V European Signal Processing Conference. Barcelona, Sept. 1990.
- “Partial Differential Equations”. 1st. European Workshop on Hypercube and Distributed Computers. Rennes, October 1989.
- “Systolic Algorithms”. PARLE “Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe”. Eindhoven, June 1989.
- “Software Issues”. International Conference on Systolic Array Processors. Killarney, Ireland, June 1989.
- “Multiprocessor Systems”. International Symposium on Mini and Microcomputers, París, June 1982.
- “Distributed Systems”. SEIR-2. Santiago de Compostela. September 1982.
- “Computer Architecture and Operating Systems”. XII Spanish Meeting on Operational Research. Jaca, September 1980.