BSC offers the opportunity to study for a PhD in topics related to High Performance Computing and to its application to Life Sciences, Earth Sciences and Physical Sciences in a recognised Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence.
Students will enjoy a unique environment to develop their PhD at BSC since it is one of the leading supercomputing centres in Europe that hosts the IBM-BSC Technology Center for Supercomputing, the Intel-BSC Exascale Lab and the BSC-Microsoft Research Center. Moreover, BSC is also a key provider of training in High Performance Computing as PRACE Advanced Training Center (PATC) and CUDA Center of Excellence (CCOE), and has a close relationship with the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – BarcelonaTech.
One of the key benefits of joining BSC to carry out PhD studies is the BSC mentoring programme, which is a collaborative effort that aims to introduce mentees to existing professional and subject related networks, to develop their work-related capabilities and to facilitate their ability to make informed decisions on their career development.
PhD students are also able to take part in the annual BSC International Doctoral Symposium, which provides specialised training and represents a forum in which PhD students and postdoc researchers can present the results and findings of their research work through talks, poster sessions and discussions.
Below are some of the programs currently affiliated (without associate status) to BSC:
- Computer Architecture Doctoral Program (UPC)
- Biomedicine Doctoral Program (UB)
- Environmental Engineering Doctoral Program (UPC)
The BSC PhD Programme
The BSC PhD Programme specifies what PhD students need to accomplish in order to successfully complete their PhD studies. This includes participation in specific training courses for PhD students, presentations at conferences, publishing of articles, mobility and other requirements that are integral to PhD studies.
As part of the BSC PhD Programme, a specific Training Programme was designed for the development of the PhD students and their professional career in every year of their studies. This programme provides the necessary support mechanisms to PhD students at BSC to optimize the time and resources to guarantee the achievement of an excellent thesis and personal / professional development as the first level researchers. Each student is expected to acquire a strong basic knowledge in a wide range of topics.
For more information about the BSC PhD Programme and the BSC PhD Training Programme contact the Education & Training department at BSC: education [at] bsc [dot] es.
PhD Opportunities
BSC has exiting opportunities for PhD studies in the areas of Supercomputing, HPC or the application areas of Life Sciences, Earth Sciences and Computer Applications in Science and Engineering. In collaboration with “la Caixa” Foundation, CONACYT, “Marie Curie” and "Juan de la Cierva” programs and various research projects and networks we offer doctoral and postdoc fellowships.
Graduate Committee
Fixed committee composed of:
- 2 Group leaders – Xavier Martorell Bofill, David Torrents Arenales
- Education & Training Manager – Maria-Ribera Sancho Samso
- HR Representative – Laura Delshams
Graduate Committee is in the process of establishing the internal regulations and procedures. Additional members will be added once these procedures will be approved.
Main responsibilities of the Graduate Committee
- Propose, review, analyse, finalize and approve processes and policies of the center related to the doctorate program and students.
- Advise on the admission of PhD candidates entering BSC.
- Evaluate PhD students’ progress and academic performance in annual reviews and provide feedback to students.
- Pre-assessment authorisation of the submission of doctoral student’s thesis.
- Decide on the continuation of a PhD student.
- Authorize extension request.
- Promote initiatives and events related to the PhD programme.
- Promote good practices in educational programmes.
- Meet regularly to discuss and resolve issues related to PhD students and PhD programme.
- Decide on exceptions.
After the Graduate Committee is established, more responsibilities will be added.
To contact the Graduate Committee, please write to graduate [dot] committee [at] bsc [dot] es (subject: PhD) .