Created in 2001, the Catalan Institu­tion for Research and Advanced Stu­dies (ICREA) is a foundation suppor­ted by the Government of Catalonia and governed by a Board of Trustees. Its aim is to promote re­search in any field of knowledge, facilitating the consolidation of collective research and the retention of talented research staff within the Catalan university and research centre system. ICREA, through a selection process based on scientific talent, hires senior scientists from around the world to work in and cooperate with local universities and research centres. These are the ICREA professors at BSC:

  • Markus Donat- Climate Prediction Group Co-leader
  • Rachel Lowe- Global Health Resilience Group Leader
  • Carlos Pérez García-Pando- Atmospheric Composition Group Manager
  • Toni Gabaldón- Comparative Genomics Group Manager
  • Natasa Przulj- Integrative Computational Network Biology Group Manager
  • Francisco J. Doblas-Reyes - Earth Sciences Department Director
  • David Torrents Arenales - Computational Genomics Group Manager
  • Víctor Guallar Tasies - Electronic and Atomic Protein Modelling Group Manager
  • Mervi Johanna Mantsinen - Fusion Group Manager
  • Alfonso Valencia- Life Sciences Department Director




The mission of the European Research Council (ERC) is to encourage high quality research in Europe through competitive funding and to support investigator-driven frontier research across all fields, on the basis of scientific excellence. Being 'investigator-driven', or 'bottom-up', in nature, the ERC approach allows researchers to identify new opportunities and directions in any field of research, rather than being led by priorities set by politicians. This ensures that funds are channelled into new and promising areas of research with a greater degree of flexibility. ERC grants are generally considered to be Europe’s most prestigious research awards.

  • PREDDYCT is an ERC Consolidator Grant awarded to Pablo Ortega
  • TRANSDIFUSSE is an ERC Synergy Grant awarded to Oriol Lehmkuhl
  • MultiSeq is an ERC Proof of Concept Grant awarded to Toni Gabaldón
  • Enabling Homomorphic Encryption of Deep Neural Network Models and Datasets in Production Environments (HomE) is an ERC Consolidator Grant awarded to Antonio J. Peña
  • Reticulate evolution: patterns and impacts of non-Vertical inheritance in eukaryotic genomes (RETVOLUTION) is an ERC Consolidator Grant awarded to Toni Gabaldón
  • Integrated Connectedness for a New Representation of Biology (ICON-BIO) is an ERC Consolidator Grant to Natasa Przulj
  • Genomic Data-Fusion Platform for Omics-Driven Precision Medicine (GENETTA) is an ERC Proof of Concept Grant awarded to Natasa Przulj
  • FRAGMENT (Frontiers in dust mineralogical composition and its effects upon climate) is an ERC Consolidator Grant awarded to Carlos Pérez García-Pando
  • SuPerCom (Sustainable Performance for High-Performance Embedded Computing Systems) is an ERC Consolidator Grant awarded to Francisco J. Cazorla
  • Riding on Moore's Law (RoMoL) is the ERC Advanced Grant awarded to BSC’s director Mateo Valero
  • Holistic Integration of Emerging Supercomputing Technologies (Hi-EST) is an ERC Starting Grant awarded to David Carrera
  • Hi-OMICS is an ERC Proof of Concept  to explore the commercial potential of Hi-OMICS, a SDI) controller that leverages Deep Learning technologies, to manage efficiently Computational Genomics workloads on SDI platforms. Awarded to David Carrera.
  • Best Curved Adapted Meshes for Space-Time Flow Simulations (Tesseract) is an ERC Starting Grant awarded to Xevi Roca
  • P.E.L.E (Protein Energy Landscape Exploration): a la carte drug design tools is an ERC Advanced Grant which was awarded to Víctor Guallar.
  • Drug eDesign: Building the next generation of software solutions for drug design  (eDrug) is an ERC Proof of Concept Grant awarded to Víctor Guallar.
