- ISCA. IEEE-ACM “International Conference on Computer Architecture” for 1995 (Santa Margarita, Italy), 1996 (Philadelphia), 1997 (Denver), 1999 (Atlanta), 2001 (Göteborg, Sweden), 2002 (Anchorage, Alaska), 2004 (Munchen, Germany), 2005 (Wisconsin, USA), 2008 (Beijing, China), 2010 (Saint-Malo, France) and 2011, San José, USA.
- MICRO. IEEE-ACM “International Symposium on Microarchitecture”. 1999 (Haifa, Israel), 2000 (Monterey, USA), 2001 (Austin, TX) and 2006 (Orlando, Florida, USA).
- HPCA. IEEE “International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture”. 1998 (Las Vegas, Nevada), 1999 (Orlando, Florida), 2001 (Monterrey, Mexico), 2002 (Boston, USA), 2003 (Anaheim, California), 2005 (San Francisco, California), 2006 (Austin, Texas), 2008 (Raleig, North Carolina, USA) and 2010 (Bangalore, India).
- Evaluator for the special issues on Top-Picks for the IEEE Micro Journal, years 2004 and 2005.
- ICS. IEEE-ACM “International Conference on Supercomputing”. 1993 (Tokyo, Japan), 1994 (Manchester, England), 1998 (Melbourne, Australia), 2000 (Santa Fe, New Mexico), 2002 (New York, USA), 2005 (Boston, USA) and 2009 (New York, USA).
- PACT. IEEE-ACM “Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques”. 1997 (San Francisco, USA), 1998 (Paris, France), 1999 ( Newport Beach, California), 2002 (Charlottesville, Virginia, USA), 2003 (New Orleans, USA) and 2007 (Bucharest, Romania).
- ISC, International Supercomputing Conference. Dresden, Germany, June 2005.
- Hot Chips 16. IEEE Symposium on High Performance Chips. Stanford, August 2004
- CF. ACM Computing Frontiers. Ischia, Italy, April 2006 and May 2007.
- ISPASS. IEEE, International Symposium on Peformance Analysis of Systems and Software. Austin, Texas, 2005.
- IEEE Cluster Computing. Year 2001, Newport Beach, October 2001.
- ICPP. “International Conference on Parallel Processing”. 1997 (Chicago, USA), 1999 ( Aizu, Japan) and 2002 (Vancouver, Canada).
- SC. ACM “Supercomputing Conference”, 1998 (Orlando, Florida), 2000 (Dallas, Texas) and 2002 (Baltimore, MD).
- PaCT-2005. Parallel Computing Technologies. Krasnoyarsk, Russia, Sept. 5-9, 2005 and Pereslav- Zalesky, Russia, Sep. 3-7, 2007 and Novosibirsk, Rusia, August 31 to September 4, 2009 and Sptember 2011, (Kazan, Russia).
- MTAAP’07. Workshop on Multithreaded Architectures and Applications. Held in conjunction with the IEEE IPDPS-2007. International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium. Long Beach, California, March 26-30, 2007 and Miami, Florida, April 14-18, 2008. , Rome, Italy, May 29-31th 2009, Atlanta, USA, April 23th, 2010 and May 20, 2011, Anchorage, USA
- ISCC: IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communications. Cartagena, Spain, June 2005.
- CCGrid´2001. “IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid”. Brisbane, Australia, May 2001.
- EuroPar. 1995 (Stockholm, Sweden) , 1999 (Toulouse, France), 2000 (Munich, Germany) and 2001 (Manchester, England).
- PARLE. “Conference on Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe”. 1989 (Eindhoven, The Netherlands), and 1991 ( Eindhoven, The Netherlands).
- ASAP. IEEE “International Conference on Application Specific Array Processors”. 1990 ( Princeton, USA), 1992 ( San Francisco, USA), 1994 , 1995 ( Strasburg, France), 1996 ( Chicago, USA), 1997 (Zurich, Switzerland), 2000 ( Boston, USA), 2002 (San Jose, USA) and 2003 (Netherlands).
- IPPS/SPDP. 1997 (Geneve, Switzerland), 1998 (Orlando, Florida), and 2000 (Cancun, Mexico).
- IPDPS. IEEE-ACM International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium. 2002 (Fort Lauderdale, USA), 2003 (Nice, France), 2005 (Denver, Colorado) and 2006 (Rhodes).
- CASES. International Conference on Computers, Architectures and Synthesis for Embedded Systems. 2001 (Atlanta, Georgia).
- SPAA: ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures. 2001 (Rhodes, Greece).
- ACSAC. Asia-Pacific Computer Architecture Conference, Seoul, Korea, 2007.
- HiPC. “International Conference on High Performance Computing”. 1997 (Bangalore, India), 1998 (Madras, India), 2001 (Hyderabad, India) and 2002 (Bangalore, India).
- IEEE “International Conference on Systolic Arrays”, 1989 (Killarney, Ireland).
- MEDEA. Workshop on “Memory Access Decoupled Architectures and related work”. 2001 (Barcelona, Spain), 2002 (Charlottesville, Virginia, USA), 2003 (New Orleans, USA), 2004 (Antibes, France), 2007 (Bucharest, Romania) and 2009, Raleig, North Carolina, USA.
- NPC. IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing. Tokyo, Japan, October 2006.
- Workshop on Network Processors, as a part of HPCA: IEEE “International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture”. 2002 (Anaheim, USA) and 2004 (Madrid, Spain).
- MTPP. Conference on Methods and Tools of Parallel Programming of Multicomputers. Pereslav- Zalesky, Russia, Sep. 2-3, 2007.
- WASP. Workshop on Application Specific Processors, held in conjunction with IEEE MICRO 2003, San Diego, December 2003.
- PDCS. International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems. Louisville, Kentucky, USA. September 2002.
- VECPAR. “International Meeting on Vector and Parallel Processing Systems and Applications”. 1993 (Porto, Portugal), 1996 (Porto, Portugal), 1998 (Porto, Portugal), 2000 (Porto, Portugal), 2002 (Porto, Portugal), 2004 (Valencia, Spain) and 2006 (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil).
- CONPAR. “Joint Conference on Vector and Parallel Processing”, 1992 (Lyon, France).
- ISHPC. “International Symposium on High Performance Computing”, 1999 (Kyoto, Japan), 2000 (Tokyo, Japan), 2002 (Nara, Japan) and 2003 (Tokyo, Japan).
- Euromicro. 1991 (Viena, Austria), 1995 (Como, Italy), 1996 (Prague, Checoslovaquia) and 2001 (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria).
- SBAC-PAD. International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing. 2002 (Vitoria, Brasil), 2003 (Sao Paulo, Brasil), 2004 (Foz Do Iguazu, Brasil), 2005 (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) and 2007 (Gramado, Rio Grande Do Sul, Brasil), 2008 (Campo Grande, Brasil) and 2010 (Petrópolis, Brasil).
- “International Conference on Massively Parallel Computing Systems”, 1994 (Ischia, Italy).
- MTEAC. Workshop on “Multithreaded Execution, Architecture and Compilation”, 2000 (Toulouse, France) and 2002 (Istanbul, Turkey).
- IWACT. International Workshop on Advanced Compiler Technology for High Performance and Embedded Processors. Bucharest, Romania, July 18-20, 2001.
- International Workshop “Engineering the Grid”. SUN, Seconda Università di Napoli. San Leucio, May 2003.
- ICPP-HPSECA-03. Workshop on High Performance Scientific and Engineering Computing with Applications. Taiwan, Oct. 6-9, 2003.
- PDP. “Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing”. 1994 (San Remo, Italy), 1996 (Braga, Portugal), 1997 (London, England), 1998 (Madrid, Spain), 1999 (Milan, Italy), 2000 (Rhodes, Greece), 2001 (Mantova, Italy), 2002 (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain), 2003 (Genoa, Italy), 2004 (A Coruna, Spain) and 2005 (Lugano, Switzeland).
- Embedded Software Forum at DATE (Design, Automation and Test in Europe). Munich, Germany. March 4-6th. 2003.
- PARCO. “Parallel Computer Conference”. 1997 (Bonn, Germany), 1999 (Delft, Netherlands), 2001 (Naples, Italy) and 2003 (Dresden, Germany).
- DSD: “Euromicro Workshop on Digital System Design”. 1998 (Wasteras, Sweden), 1999 (Milan, Italy), 2000 (Maastrich, Netherland), 2004 (Rennes, France) , 2006 (Catvat, Croatia) and 2009 (Patras, Greece).
- “Cray-SGI MPP Workshop”. Bologna, Italy, 1999.
- SympA. “Symposium en Architectures Novelles de Machines”. 1999 (Rennes, France), and 2000 (Desanson, France).
- IWIA: “International Workshop on Innovative Architecture for Future Generation High-Performance Processors and Systems”. Maui, (Hawai, 1998), Big Island (Hawaii, 2002) and Maui (Hawaii, 2004).
- International Workshop on Practical Systems and Environments for Parallel and Distributed Computing. In collaboration with PDDTA (Parallel and Distributed Processing Technical Applications). Las Vegas, Nevada. June 25-28, 2001.
- IRREGULAR. “Parallel Algorithms for Irregular Structured Problems”, 1995 (Lyon, France)
- CPC: Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computations, 1995 (Malaga, Spain).
- “Fifth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems”, 1992 (Pittsburg, USA).
- PACTA. “Parallel Computers and Transputer Applications”, 1992 (Barcelona, Spain).
- EWPC “European Workshop on Parallel Computing”, 1992 (Sitges, Barcelona).
- EDMCC. “Second European Distributed Memory Computing Conference”, 1991 (Munich, Germany).
- “European Workshop on Hypercube and Distributed Computers”, 1989 (Rennes, France).
- “European PVM-MPI Users Group Meeting”. 1995 (Lyon, France), 1996 (Munich, Germany), 1997 (Krakow, Polland).
- CICINDI. “3th. International Conference on Control, Virtual Instrumentation and Digital Systems” México DF. August 27-31th, 2001, October 2004 and November 2007.
- SISOFT. International Symposium of the Information and Software Engineering systems of the Knowledge society.Cartagena de Idias, Colombia, 23-25 August 2006.
- CIC “Congreso Internacional de Supercomputación”. 2002 (México DF) and 2005 (Mexico, DF).
- “International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society”, 1995 (Arica, Chile).
- HICSS. “Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences”. 1994 and 1998.
- ICPI. Intelligent Computing in the Petroleum Industry. Acapulco, Mexico. August 9, 2003.
- Because European Workshop: “Benchmark of Concurrent Architectures for their use in Scientific Engineering”, 1992 (Sophia Antipolis, France).
- CISIC. “I Internation Congrrss of the Information Society". Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. 27th February to the 1st March 2002.
- SEID “Spanish Symposium of the distributed Computing", 1999 (Santiago de Compostela, Spain), 2000 (Santiago de Compostela, Spain).
- SIT. International Symposium on I+T. 2001 (Santiago de Compostela, Spain. July, 18-20) and 2002 (Sevilla, Spain, Septiembre del 2002).
- Congress "Computing and Automatic" of the AEIA "Spanish Association of the Computing and Automatic", 1995 (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain).
- First technical conferences about simulation and its applications, 1993 (Vigo, Spain).
- Congress "Computing and Automatic" of the AEIA "Spanish Association of the Computing and Automatic", 1995 (Madrid, Spain).
- International Symposium of the Knowledge and its Engineering. AEPIA Congress, 1985 (Madrid, Spain).
- Member of the Advisory Board for the “Universidad de Verano Campus TI”. Valencia, Spain, July 2002 and July 2003.