Distributed Computing
Blockchain Scalability and Sustainability
Research on next generation blockchain technology, to improve the performance and lower the barrier to mass adoption.
Distributed computing libraries and environments for quantum algorithms and hybrid classical-quantum workflows
This research line aims to do research and development on libraries and tools to support quantum algorithms and hybrid classical-quantum workflows based on the use of distributed computing frameworks, in particular, based on PyCOMPSs.
Distributed Computing Library
This research line is focused in the development of the Distributed Computing Library (dislib) on top of PyCOMPSs
High performance storage for interactive Big Data analysis
The research line will perform research on interactive Big Data analysis.
Internet of Things and Stream Processing
This research line explores the use of advanced stream processing techniques both for the Internet of Things as well as for Data Center Telemetry collection. The explored techniques will be designed to fit Cloud-based approaches as well as Fog Computing solutions.
Towards complex and intelligent workflow programming for Distributed Computing
This research line aims to ease the development and execution of applications for distributed infrastructures, such as Clusters, Grids and Clouds.
Workflow environments for Scientific Applications
In this group we apply the COMPSs programming framework to scientific applications