Featured news
10 Sep
BSC unveils Talptech, a new spin-off leveraging AI and supercomputing to enhance agricultural efficiency and sustainability
Talpo, the new technology, aims to enhance vineyard, fruit, and olive tree production while cutting pesticide use by up to 40%, promoting farm sustainability and protecting natural resources
03 Sep
Prominent participation of BSC at the Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society
Coinciding with its 25th anniversary, the European Meteorological Society (EMS) is hosting its annual meeting, regarded as the most significant gathering of meteorologists and climatologists in Europe, at the Historic Building of the University of Barcelona -
11 Jul
BSC to receive 50 million to develop the Spanish Government's AI training programme
With the help of the Spanish government's AI training plan, BSC will train 158 new professionals in the field of artificial intelligence and the use of supercomputing
16 Sep
17 Sep
18 Sep
- 09 Sep - El País Mónica Bello y María Arnal reconocidas en Europa por la fusión de arte y ciencia
- 04 Sep - Política & Prosa Mercè Crosas: «El benefici de compartir el coneixement científic és per a tota la societat»
- 04 Sep - Diari Ara Francisco Doblas: “El planeta no necessita ningú que el salvi, ens hem de salvar nosaltres”
- Contact
- Tel: +34 934015742
- nuria [dot] noriega [at] bsc [dot] es