- The European Exascale Opportunity Guest Presentation, ETP4HPC meeting. Barcelona, March, 15th. 2016.
- Runtime Aware Architectures Keynote Lecture. GPGPU Workshop. Collocated with HPCA. Barcelona, March, 12th, 2016.
- Runtime Aware Architectures Invited lecture. National Congress of Computer systems engineering. Bucaramanga- Santander. Colombia, from the 29th February to the 03rd March, 2016.
- Seymour Cray Award Supercomputing 2015, Austin, Texas, 18 November 2015.
- The Transformative Impact of Excellent Science, The case of High Performance Computing Closing lecture. ICT 2015 Lisbon. Lisboa, Portugal, Octubre 22, 2105.
- Why Exascale do not Appear without Runtime Aware Architectures? Invited lecture. Russian Supercomputing Days. Moscow, Russia, September 2015.
- Runtime Aware Architectures Invited Lecture. PRACE Days 15. Dublin, Ireland. May 27th, 2015.
- Research on Computer Architecture at BSC: RoMoL and Montblanc Invited Talk. IHPCF, The second International High Performance Computing Forum. Tianjin, China. May, 20-22, 2015.
- Runtime Aware Architectures Keynote Lecture. ISUM-2015. International Supercomputer in Mexico. Ciudad de México, Mexico. March, 11th, 2015.
- Runtime Aware Architectures Invited Lecture. SC, ACM Supercomputer Conference. New Orleans, USA, November 20th, 2014.
- Barcelona Supercomputer Centre and its impact in the Economy Keynote Talk. CIIP: Iberoamerican Congress on Engineering Projects. Loja, Ecuador. November, 13-14th, 2014.
- The state of the Big Data Art & Science. The revolution data Keynote Talk. CICOS. International Congress on Optimization and Software. Cuernavaca, Mexico. October 21th, 2014.
- Research at BSC Keynote talk. CICOS, International Congress on Optimization and Computer Software. Cuernavaca, México. October 21th, 2014.
- Runtime Aware Architectures International Seminar on Advances in Research in the Area of Computer Science. Invited Lecture. CIC, Communication Research Centre. IPN, National Polytechnic Institute. México DF. October 17th, 2014.
- BSC: Research, Technology Transfer and education Keynote Talk. CIDETEC, Center for Innovation and Technological Development in Computing. 10th International Congress Technological Trends in Computing. México DF, October 13-17th, 2014.
- A Case for HPC in Horizon2020 Invited Lecure. Presentation to the HPC European Committee”. Brussels, October 2, 2014.
- Barcelona Supercomputer Center at a Glance Invited Lecture. NCSA, National Center for Supercomputing Applications. Urbana Champaign. September 22th, 2014.
- Runtime Aware Architectures Invited Lecture. PCI, Parallel Computer Institute, Distinguished Lecture. University of Urbana Champaign, September 22th, 2014.
- Runtime Aware Architectures Invited Lecture. A Computer Architecture Workshop: Visions for the Future. Celebrating Yale@75. University of Texas in Austin. September 19, 2014.
- Social and Economic Challenges of Open data and Big Data Invited lecture. UIS, Universidad Industrial de Santander. Bucaramanga, Colombia, Sept. 12th, 2014.
- Barcelona Supercomputer Center and its Impact in the Economy Keynote Talk. Forum HPC/IT for the Industrial Competitiveness, organized by UIS, Industrial University of Santander. Technology Park Guatigará. Bucaramanga, Colombia, Sept. 11th. 2014.
- Social and Economic Challenges of Open data and Big Data Invited lecture. Summer School on New Technologies, Public Policy & Creative innovation. Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internationals, IBEI. Barcelona, July 23th, 2014.
- Research at BSC Invited lecture. Riken. ACCC, Advanced Center for Computing and Communication. Tokyo, July 15th, 2014.
- Research at BSC Invited lecture. University of Tokyo. Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology. Campus of Komaba. July 17, 2014.
- Research at BSC Invited lecture. University of Tokyo. Campus of Kashiwa. July 15, 2014.
- BSC at a Glance Invited talk. Fujitsu. Tokyo, Japan, July 15, 2014.
- Runtime Aware Architectures Invited Lecture. Workshop on Extreme Scale Scientific Computing”. Moscow State University. Moscow, Russia, June 30th, 2014.
- Runtime Aware Architectures Keynote Talk. HiPEAC, Computing Systems Week. HiPEAC 10 Anniversary. Barcelona, May 14, 2014.
- Future Supercomputers Invited lecture. Seminar on “Supercomputers, a Tool for the Enginery”. 20 Anniversary of the Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering. Madrid, April 29th, 2014.
- BSC at a Glance Invited Lecture. IBM Watson Research Center. New York, USA, March, 31th, 2014.
- Supercomputing, a Tool for Science and Engineering Keynote lecture. National College of México. March, 12 2014.
- BSC: Research, Technology Transfer and education Invited Talk. Conference on: “Innovation and Entrepreunership in Spain and Europe, Prospect for mobilization”. Academy of Engineering of Spain. Madrid, February 14th, 2014.
- HPC and Education: Working Examples, BSC RISC (Red Iberoamericana de Supercomputación) Workshop. IPN, National Polytechnic Institute. México D.F. Nov. 25-26, 2013.
- H2020: Challenges and Opportunities for HPC Keynote talk. RISC (Red Iberoamericana de Supercomputación) Workshop. IPN, National Polytechnic Institute. México D.F. Nov. 25-26, 2013.
- Supercomputing, a tool for Science Invited Talk. Board of Studies Osonencs. Temple Romá. Vic. Nov. 16, 2013.
- Supercomputing, a Tool for Science Inaugural lecture. “Science Week” in Catalonia. Parlament of Catalonia. Barcelona, Nov. 11, 2013.
- Killer-mobiles: the way towards energy efficient High Performance Computers Keynote lecture. SBAC-PAD. Porto de Galinha, Brasil. October 23, 2013.
- Killer-mobiles: the way towards energy efficient High Performance Computers” Keynote lecture. SBAC-PAD. Porto de Galinha, Brasil. October 23, 2013.
- Killer-mobiles: the way towards energy efficient High Performance Computer Keynote lecture. PaCT-2013, Parallel Computing Technologies. Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 30th, 2013.
- Future of HPC in Europe Invited Talk. EU-Russia Workshop on High Performance Computers. Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 30th, 2013.
- Killer-mobiles: the way towards energy efficient High Performance Computers Keynote lecture. ACSD. IEEE Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design. Barcelona, Spain, July 8, 2013.
- Killer-mobiles: the way towards energy efficient High Performance Computers Keynote lecture. HPCS, the IEEE-ACM International Confrence on High Performance Computing&Simulation. Helsinki, Finland, July 1-5th, 2013.
- BSC at a glance Invited lecture. ICCS, International Conference on Computational Science. Barcelona, June 5th, 2013.
- Killer-mobiles: the way towards energy efficient High Performance Computers? Invited lecture. First Europe-China HPC (High Performance Computing) Conference. Sofia, Bulgaria, April 8-10, 2013.
- Killer-mobiles: the way towards energy efficient High Performance Computers Keynote Talk. ISUM-2013. International Supercomputing Conference in Mexico. Manzanillo, Colima, México. Febrero, 6, 2013.
- Killer-mobiles: the way towards energy efficient High Performance Computers Keynote Talk. PECCS, International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems. Barcelona, Spain, February 21th, 2013.
- Supercomputers to create wealth Keynote Lecture. International Workshop EU-China on Scientific Computing. Zaragoza, Spain. November 26-28, 2012.
- Killer-mobiles: the way towards energy efficient High Performance Computers Keynote Talk. HiPEAC Computing System Week. Ghent, Belgium, October 17, 2012.
- RISC: Red Iberoamericana de Supercomputacíon Invited talk. CLCAR, Latin Amercian Conference of the High Performance. Panamá Technological University. Ciudad de Panamá, 29, August 2012.
- Killer-mobiles: the way towards energy efficient High Performance Computers Keynote Talk. CLCAR, Latin Amercian Conference of the High Performance. Panamá Technological University. Ciudad de Panamá, 29, August 2012.
- Research at BSC: Barcelona Supercomputing Center Keynote Lecture. ECAR 2012. High Performance Computing School. Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 25 to August 3, 2012.
- Killer-mobiles: the way towards energy efficient High Performance Computers Keynote Talk. V HPC LatAm 2012 International Symposium. Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 23-24, 2012.
- The Mont-Blanc Approach Towards Exascale Keynote Talk. ISPA 2012, the IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications. Leganés, Madrid, July 10-13, 2012.
- The Mont-Blanc Approach Towards Exascale Invited Talk. ISC, International Supercomputing Conference. Hamburg, June 20th, June, 2012.
- Future Exascale Supercomputers Keynote talk. SBAC-PAD. International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing. Vitória, Espirito Santo, Brazil, October 26-29, 2011.
- Future Exascale Supercomputers Keynote talk. EUSIPCO, 19th European Signal Processing Conference. Barcelona, August 29-September 2, 2011.
- Future Exascale Supercomputers Keynote talk. ICME 2011, the IEEE International Conference on MUltimedia and Expo. Barcelona, Spain, July 11-15th 2011.
- From Nowhere to MareNostrum and MareIncognito Invited Talk. First Technion Computer Engineering Conference. Haifa, Israel, June 1-5, 2011.
- Towards Exaflops Supercomputers Invited Talk. Microsoft Research Faculty Summit 2011. Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, May 18-20, 2011.
- Towards Exaflops Supercomputers Invited Talk. ISUM, International Supercomputing Conference in Mexico. San Luis de Potosí, Mexico, March, 21-24, 2011.
- On the Future Exaflops Supercomputers Keynote Lecture. ICPP, International Conference on Parallel Processing. Vienna, Austria, September 22-25th, 2009.
- A European Perspective on Supercomputing Keynote Lecture. ICS-23. IEEE and ACM International Conference on Supercomputing.IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, USA, June 8-12, 2009.
- QoS on Multithreaded Processors MTAAP-09. Workshop on Multithreaded Architectures and Applications. Held in Conjuction with IPDPS-09, the International Parallel and Distributed Symposium, Rome, May 29, 2009.
- Supercomputing for the Future, Supercomputing from the Past Keynote lecture. AICCSA, the 7th ACS/IEEE International Conference On Computer Systems and Applications. Rabat, Morocco, May 10-13th 2009.
- The colaboration University-Business: Good practices in the Knowledge and Technology transfer from the University to the SocietyInvited Talk. VII Pleno del Consejo Universitario Iberoamericano. Ciudad de Panamá, March 12-13, 2009.
- Supercomputers, those incredible gadgets Keynote lecture. Computer Congress 2009. XIII Internation fair and convention. La Habana, Cuba, February, 12th , 2009.
- On the Future of Supercomputers Invited Lecture. University of Belgrade, Serbia. September 12th, 2008.
- Supercomputing for the Future, Supercomputing from the Past Invited Lecture. Onasssis Foundation Summer School. Lectures on Computer Science. Heraklion, Crete, July 25th, 2008.
- Overcoming the Memory Wall: Kilo-Instruction, Runahead and SMT Processors Invited lecture Onasssis Foundation Summer School. Lectures on Computer Science. Heraklion, Crete, July 25th, 2008.
- Supercomputing for the Future, Supercomputing from the Past Invited lecture. University of Tsinghua. Beijing, China, June 17th, 2008.
- Barcelona Supercomputing Center: Mision, Research Lines and Microsoft Collaboration Invited Lecture. Microsoft Research Latin America Academic Summit 2008. Panamá, May 13th -16th, 2008.
- Supercomputing for the Future, Supercomputing from the Past Invited Lecture. University of Chalmers. Göteborg, May 8th, 2008.
- Researh at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center-Centro Nacional de Supercomputación Invited Lecture. Joint Seminar on Information and Communication Technologies organized by the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) and by the Spanish Royal Academy (RAI). Madrid, May 7th, 2008.
- Research at the High Performance Computer Group in Barcelona Birla Institute of Technology and Science. Pilani, India. March 14th 2008.
- Research at BSC: Barcelona Supercomputer Center-Spanish National Center of Supercomputing Birla Institute of Technology and Science. Pilani, India. March 14th 2008.
- Simultaneous Multithreaded Procesors Birla Institute of Technology and Science. Pilani, India. March 14th 2008.
- Research at the High Performance Computer Group in Barcelona Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi. March 12th 2008.
- Supercomputing for the Future, Supercomputing from the Past Distinguish Lecture under the ACM Distinguish Speakers Program. Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi. March 12th 2008.
- Research at BSC: Barcelona Supercomputer Center-Spanish National Center of Supercomputing IBM Research Lab. Delhi, India. March 12th. 2008.
- QoS on Multithreaded Processors Invited lecture. University of Texas at Austin. February 13th, 2008.
- Overcoming the Memory Wall: Kilo-Instruction, Runahead and SMT Processors Invited lecture. University of Texas at Austin. February 13th, 2008.
- Supercomputing for the Future, Supercomputing from the Past Distinguished Lecture. University of Texas at Austin. February,11th, 2008.
- Supercomputing for the Future, Supercomputing from the Past. Keynote Lecture. HiPEAC Conference, 2008 Conference on High Performance on High Performance Embedded Architectures&Compilers Götegorg, Sweden, January 28-29, 2008.
- A+A=A Invited Lecture. Stamatis Vasiliadis Symposium on “The Future of Computing”. Delft, Holland. September 28th, 2007.
- Kilo-instruction Processors: Overcoming the Memory Wall Distinguished lecture. University of Irvine at California, February 19th, 2006.
- Supercomputing in the Grid. EGEE05. Invited Lecture. EGEE, Enabling Grid for E-Science, fourth conference. Pisa, Italy, October 25th, 2005.
- Beyond Moore´s Law IGC 2005. Internet Global Conference. Invited talk. Barcelona, June 10th, 2005.
- The investigation, wealth generator Keynote talk. WINCO´05. Workshop on The mutual beneficts of International CO-operation in IST Research for Latin Americam countries and The European Comission. IPN, Instituto Politécnico Nacional. México D.F., México, April 14th 2005.
- The Supercomputers, thoses incredible and crazy objects "Zaragoza city of Knowledge" fundation. Events hall of the Museum "Teatro de Caesaraugusta". Zaragoza, February 08th 2005.
- Advanced Computer Architectures Invited lecture. Future Emerging Technology Initiative. Information Society Technologies Program. Brussels, January 13th, 2005.
- Kilo-instruction Processors Invited lecture. Seminar on Computer Architecture. IBM Watson, December 9th, 2004.
- Kilo-instructions Processors Invited lecture. SIGMICRO Online Seminar. September, 14th 2004.
- Kilo-instructions Processors Keynote lecture. Europar Conference. Pisa, August-September, 2004.
- Throughput versus Quality of Service in SMT processors Invited talk. Euromicro-DSD (Digital System Design). Rennes, August-September 2004.
- Processors for the Future Distinguish Lecturer at the Mexican ACM Student Chapters Annual Meeting at Ciudad de México. May 10-12, 2004.
- Kilo-instructions in-flight Processors Distinguish Lecturer at the Mexican ACM Student Chapters Annual Meeting at Ciudad de México. May 10-12, 2004.
- Orientation of Basic Research in the FP7, 2007-2010 Workshop organized by FET (Future Emerging Technology”. Brussels, April 21th., 2004.
- Kilo-instructions Processors Keynote lecture. HPCA-10. IEEE, International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture. Madrid, February 14-18, 2004.
- A Content Aware Integer Register File for Superscalar Registers Invited lecture. Gent University, Dec, 16th. 2003.
- Kilo-instructions in-flight Processors Invited lecture. Intel MRL (Microprocessor Research Laboratory). Haifa., Israel. November 12th., 2003.
- Kilo-instructions in-flight Processors Keynote lecture. Seminar on Compilers and Architecture. IBM Haifa. November 11th., 2003.
- Kilo-Instruction Processors ISHPC-V. The 5th International Symposium on High Performance Computing. Tokyo, Japan, October 20-22, 2003.
- Kilo-Instruction Processors PA3CT Conference: Program acceleration by Application-driven and architecture-driven Code Transformations. Edegem, Belgium, Spetmeber 22-23, 2003.
- Past, Present and Future of Computers, Storage and Communications Invited Lecture. Inaugural Lecture of the year 2003 of the Royal Spanish Academy of Engineering. Madrid, January 30th, 2003.
- Computer Architectures for the Future Invited Lecture. Seminar “Recent Advances in Computer Science”. University of La Laguna, Tenerife, November , 2002.
- Will vector ISA survive in the future? Keynote Lecture. 14th. Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing. October 28-30th. Vitoria Espirito Santo, Brasil.
- Procesors for the Future Invited Lecture. SGI Seminar on High Performance Computing. Madrid, June 11th. 2002.
- Future Computing Keynote Lecture. CISIC. I International Congress of the Information Society. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. 28 de Febrero de 2002.
- Computer Architectures for the Future Keynote Lecture. CICINDI 2001. III International Conference on Control, Virtual Instrumentation and Digital Systems. Mexico D.F. August 27-31th. 2001.
- Code Generation and Register File Organization for Future VLIW Architectures Invited Talk. IWACT, International Workshop on Advanced Compiler Technology for High Performance and Embedded Processors. Bucharest, Romania, July 18-20th, 2001.
- Future High-Performance Microprocessors”. Keynote Lecture. ASCI (Advanced School for Computing and Imaging ). Heijen, The Netherlands, May 30th. 200.
- Past, Present and Future of High Performance Microprocessors Centre for Novel Computing (CNC) 10th. Anniversary Symposium. University of Manchester. Nov. 24, 2000.
- Architectures for one Billion of Transistors Invited Workshop. ISSS-2000. IEEE International Synposium on System Synthesis. Madrid, September 20th. 2000.
- Processors for the Future Keynote Talk. Hewlett-Packard High Performance Computing European User Group. Barcelona, Spain. September 2000.
- The Future of Vector Processors Keynote talk. ISHPC “International Symposium on High Performance Computers”. Nara, Japan, 28 May 1999.
- The Evolution of Vector Processors Invited talk. SC-98. IEEE-ACM “Supercomputing Conference” Orlando, 11 November 1998.
- Vector Architectures: Past, Present and Future Keynote talk. ICS-11. IEEE-ACM “International Conference on Supercomputing”. Melbourne, 17th July 1998.
- Advances in Computer Systems and Selected Research Results from UPC Keynote talk. INFOFEST-97. Festival of Information Technology Achievements. Budva. Montenegro. Sept/Oct. 1997.
- High Performance Computer Architectures Invited talk. Euroconference “Supercomputation in Nonlinear and Disordered Systems: Algorithms, Applications and Architectures” San Lorenzo del Escorial, Madrid, September 23-27, 1996.
- High Performance Computer Architectures: Past, Present and Future Keynote talk. IBM, SUPEUR95 “High Performance Computing in Europe”. Madrid, 25-27 September 1995.
- Access to Memory in Vector Multiprocessors Keynote Talk. Workshop on Efficient use of Parallel Computer: Architecture, Mapping and Communication. European Union. Human Capital & Mobility Program. Barcelona, April 1994.
- Efficient Access to Streams in Multi-Module Memories Keynote Talk. Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing. Málaga, January 1994.
- Architectures and Algorithms for Parallel Computers Invited talk. In collaboration with Jesús Labarta. Specialists meeting on “Adapting Computing Codes in Nuclear Applications to Parallel. Architectures”. Nuclear Energy Council. Madrid, 14-15 October 1993.
- Increasing Systolic Algorithm Granularity for Multicomputers Invited talk. Second SIAM Conference on Linear Algebra. San Francisco, November 3-5th 1990.
- Special Purpose Hardware for Signal Processing Invited talk. Workshop on Signal Processing and its Applications”. Vigo, July, 1981.