The Macedònia band are committed to the cause. We asked them to take part in a project to encourage girls to see science and technology as their vocation and they did not hesitate to say yes.
They then created the song MareNostrum about BSC's supercomputer and a music video in which they appear as researchers using the supercomputer.
This song plays a key role in tours arranged for third and fourth-year primary school students with the aim of familiarizing girls with science and technology. The tours are particularly aimed at young girls and are carried out in collaboration with Barcelona City Council.
It was a pleasure to work with Anna, Carlota, Gina, Noa and Mar, who threw themselves into the project, and their manager, Dani Coma, who believed in it right from the first moment.
The song was recorded on January 30, 2018 at the Medusa studio in Barcelona and the music video was filmed on March 11 in Torre Girona Chapel.
Here are some pictures we would like to share with you.