The goals of the BSC Doctoral Symposium are twofold: first, it aims to provide a framework to share the research results being developed by postgraduate students and early career researchers in HPC-related areas. Second, it offers training sessions on topics and skills that may be useful to future researchers and professionals. To achieve these, postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers present their experience and findings, and lecturers deliver training on research skills.
Submissions are now open for the 12th International BSC Severo Ochoa Doctoral Symposium
BSC research and development departments have affiliated PhD programs in Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and Universitat de Barcelona in the line of their main research activities:
- Computer Sciences with research activities in a set of areas covering low level system software and hardware for future supercomputer systems as well as optimization of kernels and applications for these systems.
- Earth Sciences research is devoted to modelling and understanding the behaviour of the Earth System, mainly focusing on climate and atmospheric processes.
- Life Sciences with main topics of research in the use of computational tools in the understanding of life processes.
- Computer Applications in Science and Engineering focuses on the conception and development of algorithms up to their efficient coding in parallel architectures, including the implementation of specific numerical libraries.
- Computational Social Sciences and Humanities research attempts to shed light on complex social challenges by leveraging the use of big data, AI methods and supercomputing.
The Doctoral Symposium welcomes applications from PhD students as well as early stages PostDoc researchers and late stages MSc students in the above and complementing areas. MSc students and PhD students in their first year of studies are welcome to participate as attendees and as far as their abstracts can present defined research proposal with some preliminary results they can apply and be considered for poster presentation.
The Symposium is opened for participation of students and researchers meeting the requirements, worldwide. In view of the multi-cultural participation, the working language of the event (presentations, posters, tutorials) is English.
Previous Issues of the BSC Doctoral Symposium
11th Edition Book of Abstracts 10th Edition Book of Abstracts 9th Edition Book of Abstracts 8th Edition Book of Abstracts 7th Edition Book of Abstracts 6th Edition Book of Abstracts 5th Edition Book of Abstracts 4th Edition Book of Abstracts 3rd Edition Book of Abstracts 2nd Edition Book of Abstracts 1st Edition Book of Abstracts