David Torrents Arenales

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This project aims at supporting and enhancing modern oncology, by implementing a cultural, technological and legal integrated framework (EUCANCan) across Europe and Canada, for the efficient analysis, management and sharing of cancer genomic data. This cooperative framework is not only expected to immediately contribute to improve biomedical research in cancer, but to also...

We propose to create the EUropean-CANadian Cancer network (EUCANCan), a federated infrastructure whose mission is to enable Personalized Medicine in Oncology by promoting the generation and sharing of harmonized genomic and phenotypic data. EUCANCan builds on work performed by members of the consortium and related projects to align and interconnect existing European and...

Medicina Personalitzada, Genoma del càncer, Nova generació de tecnologies de seqüenciació del DNA, Bioinformàtica genoma càncer, Bioètica genoma humà. El coneixement dels mecanismes moleculars del càncer, les noves tecnologies de seqüenciació del DNA i l'expansió de noves teràpies dirigides...

Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a major public health problem, affecting 55 million European citizens. T2D ensues in individuals who develop a progressive pancreatic beta cell failure. T2D probably comprises a heterogeneous group of diseases. A new molecular taxonomy of T2D is essential for the development of medical care that is predictive, preventive and personalized. Currently...
