Licensable technology created by BSC

Showing 141 - 159 results of 159

SOD2D: Spectral high-Order coDe 2 solve partial Differential equations

This code implements a numerical solution for the equations governing compressible and incompressible fluid flow in three dimensions. The code is based on the spectral element method (SEM) and is designed to be used for scale-resolving simulations (LES and DNS).

The Sonar project defines a set of runtime libraries which instrument parallel programming models through the ovni instrumentation library.

GPL License (Version 3.0)

SUNSET (SUbseasoNal to decadal climate forecast post-processing and asSEssmenT suite) is a collaborative R-based tool developed in-house at BSC-ES that aims to provide climate services for sub-seasonal, seasonal and decadal climate forecast time scales. The tool post-processes climate forecast outputs by applying state-of-the-art methodologies to tailor climate products for each application and sector (e.g.: agriculture, energy, water management, or health).
Generation of cancer synthetic genomes using NEAT.
TADIL (Task-Agnostic Domain-Incremental Learning) is a joint BSC/Lenovo effort in the autonomous driving domain that incorporates Continual Learning concepts to adaptively process data from diverse urban and rural driving environments. TADIL's main objective is to create a domain-incremental detector capable of handling various real-world scenarios like changing weather, time of the day, and locations.
TADILER (Task-Agnostic Domain-Incremental Learning through Experience Replay), developed by Lenovo and BSC, is a methodology to derive AI models that employs zero-shot clustering and experience replay for domain-incremental learning. 

Apache License (Version 2.0)

Task-aware LPF (TALPF) is an integration of Lightweight Parallel Foundations (LPF), a BSM model that uses RDMA to communicate between processes, with task-based programming models such as OmpSs-2.  The goal is to maintain the simplicity of the BSP models while making minimal changes to allow a task-based data-flow model to exploit multi-core systems. 

LGPL License (Version 3.0)

The Task-Aware MPI (TAMPI) library extends the functionality of standard MPI libraries by providing new mechanisms for improving the interoperability between parallel task-based programming models and MPI operations. The library is developed by the System Tools and Advanced Runtimes (STAR) group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center.

Apache License (Version 2.0)

Tenet is a Julia library to perform computations using Tensor Networks, a Mathematical tool to describe Quantum systems. The library allows large scale simulations of Quantum circuits and other systems using the Tensor Network description.

Text-mining features: NER, Normalization, Classification

An off-line method that can be used for timing validation and implements GRV criteria that uses PWC to analyze pairwise contention and later provide information about the source of contention per each contender task and contention type.

GPL License (Version 3.0)

The Stochastic Rupture Earthtquake ModeL (TREMOL) has been developed to generate seismic rupture scenarios based on the Fiber Bundle algorithm.

A software written in C++ that is able to perform the tensor-vector multiplication (TVM) algorithm “natively” in contrast with other state-of-the-art techniques currently employed.

Ontology that reflects and connects mobility, energy, and integrated infrastructures.
- Developed under GrowSmarter project
- To develop the ontology we used the free and open source ontology editor Protege 4.3 ( (BSD 2-clause license)
- To be licensed to UTE CityOS (
Deterministic and standard extractor of indels, SNVs and structural variants (SVs) from VCF files. VariantExtractor is a Python package (requires Python version 3.6 or higher) and provides a set of data structures and functions to extract variants from VCF files in a deterministic and standard way while adding information to facilitate afterwards processing. It homogenizes multiallelic variants, MNPs and SVs (including imprecise paired breakends and single breakends). The package is designed to be used in a pipeline, where the variants are ingested from VCF files and then used in downstream analysis. 

The Vitruvius Vector Processing Unit (VPU), following called Vitruvius, is a RISC-V decoupled vector accelerator with lightweight out-of-order execution capabilities.

Apache License (Version 2.0) with LLVM exceptions

Vehave is a native functional emulator. It was born out of the need of being able to functionally test the generated vector code on top of a RISC-V Linux system. It’s a dynamic library that implements a trap-based emulator for the RISC-V Vector Extension. It is useful to obtain trace-level information for analysis and modelling.

A vignette which provides an example of code written in R that can be used to calibrate seasonal forecasts using several calibration methods. For each calibration method, different skill scores are calculated, compared to the ones obtained by using a non-calibrated forecast and finally displayed.

GPL License (Version 3.0)

Bounding box analysis for the extraction of visual relationships between objects detected in an image. With original algorithms developed exclusively in Python 3, we extract visual relationship information from the geometry and graphical distribution of bounding boxes in imagery.  
