SORS: "Why does BSC go to the Sónar festival, or how we learned to mix arts and science to drive innovation"

Data: 13/Feb/2024 Time: 11:30


BSC Main Building Auditorium (-1 floor)
Online via Zoom

Cost: This event is free of charge.

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BSC has been collaborating with the Sónar music festival for over a decade, along with other institutions and individuals in the art world. In this presentation, BSC researcher Fernando Cucchietti will be discussing how working directly with artists and utilizing artistic methodologies can bring direct (€, papers, projects) and indirect (media appearances, collaborations) benefits to scientific and technological research and development. This presentation is not just about showcasing their work, it is more importantly a call for everyone at BSC who is interested in exploring science through new avenues to learn from their experiences and help them make it an institution-wide effort.
This is a hybrid event taking place in the BSC Main Building Auditorium (-1 floor) and online via Zoom.


Fernando Cucchietti, Data Pre And Post Processing Group Manager, BSC CASE Department