INSPEnCaT: Isolating the air pollution climate peNalty impactS on Policy and hEalth in CaTalonia

Estat: Activa Start:

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The INSPEnCaT project aims:

  • To develop a regional climate-chemistry modeling system in order.
  • To assess this impact of climate change on air pollution in Catalonia with respect to other European regions.
  • To quantify the associated effect on policy-related metrics for human and vegetation exposure, and corresponding impacts on human health.

This work will be conducted by key research institutions (BSC, IDAEA-CSIC, ISGlobal) with strong and complementary expertise on the topic. With the support of an external advisory board composed of experts on air quality policy at the European and Catalan level, dissemination activities aimed at key local policy-makers (e.g., Direcció General de Qualitat Ambiental i Canvi Climàtic of the Generalitat de Catalunya) are planned in order to inform them about possible future needs for more ambitious mitigation actions to achieve the Zero pollution objective in Catalonia.
