
Mostrant 611 - 620 de 1356
  • 22 Jun 2017

    Basic Programming of Multicore and Many-Core Processors for Image and Video Processing.

    Localització: The course will take place in Barcelona Supercomputing Center, within the UPC Campus Nord premises: Torre Girona building, Sala Severo Ochoa.      
    Enregistrar-se 2017-06-22 09:00:00 2017-06-23 18:00:00 Europe/Madrid Basic Programming of Multicore and Many-Core Processors for Image and Video Processing. For details, click on the following event link: The course will take place in Barcelona Supercomputing Center, within the UPC Campus Nord premises: Torre Girona building, Sala Severo Ochoa.      

    The course will present the parallelization of several widely-known image and video processing algorithms such as color space conversion, gaussian filtering, and histogramming. Its aim is to be an initial approach to parallel programming to those who may be interested in the potential parallelization of the applications they work with. The course is delivered by the GPU Center of Excellence (GCOE) awarded by NVIDIA to the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) in association with the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC) as a Severo Ochoa workshop.

  • 14 Jun 2017

    SORS: Machine Learning for Microarchitectural Prediction

    Localització: Building C6, room E106, Campus Nord
    2017-06-14 12:00:00 2017-06-14 12:00:00 Europe/Madrid SORS: Machine Learning for Microarchitectural Prediction For details, click on the following event link: Building C6, room E106, Campus Nord
  • 12 Jun 2017

    C3S evaluation and quality control workshop

    Localització: Vèrtex building Plaça d'Eusebi Güell, 6, 08034 Barcelona
    2017-06-12 13:00:00 2017-06-14 13:00:00 Europe/Madrid C3S evaluation and quality control workshop For details, click on the following event link: Vèrtex building Plaça d'Eusebi Güell, 6, 08034 Barcelona

    This is a workshop for the contractors involved in the 'Evaluation and Quality Control' (EQC) function of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S).

  • 12 Jun 2017

    SORS: Tomorrow’s Memory Systems, 2017 Edition

    Localització: Sala D'Actes, FIB Building (B6), Campus Nord, Barcelona  
    2017-06-12 11:00:00 2017-06-12 11:00:00 Europe/Madrid SORS: Tomorrow’s Memory Systems, 2017 Edition For details, click on the following event link: Sala D'Actes, FIB Building (B6), Campus Nord, Barcelona  

    This talk will discuss recent technologies that Bruce Jacob and his group have helped to develop in high-performance systems, including Micron’s Hybrid Memory Cube, flash-based main memories, and high-bandwidth/high-capacity memory, and will discuss the impact of tomorrow’s memory technologies on tomorrow’s applications and operating systems.

  • 12 Jun 2017

    BRIDGE´17-Bridging the Talent Gap with Computational Science Methods (4th Workshop)

    Localització: ICCS2017, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, 12-14 June 2017 The exact date of the workshop will be announced closer to the conference.
    Enregistrar-se 2017-06-12 00:00:00 2017-06-14 23:00:00 Europe/Madrid BRIDGE´17-Bridging the Talent Gap with Computational Science Methods (4th Workshop) For details, click on the following event link: ICCS2017, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, 12-14 June 2017 The exact date of the workshop will be announced closer to the conference.

    The 34th BRIDGE workshop is part of the International conference in Computational Science (ICCS2017), to be held in ETH - Zurich, Switzerland, 12-14 June 2017. The theme for ICCS 2017 is “The art of Computational Science. Bridging Gaps – Forming Alloys”.

  • 12 Jun 2017

    SPU’2017 - Solving Problems with Uncertainties (5th Workshop)

    Localització: ICCS2017, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, 12-14 June 2017 The exact date of the workshop will be confirmed closer to the start of the conference.
    Enregistrar-se 2017-06-12 00:00:00 2017-06-14 23:00:00 Europe/Madrid SPU’2017 - Solving Problems with Uncertainties (5th Workshop) For details, click on the following event link: ICCS2017, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, 12-14 June 2017 The exact date of the workshop will be confirmed closer to the start of the conference.

    The 5th SPU Workshop is part of the International conference in Computational Science (ICCS2017), to be held in ETH - Zurich, Switzerland, 12-14 June 2017. The theme for ICCS 2017 is “The art of Computational Science. Bridging Gaps – Forming Alloys”. ICCS is an ERA 2010 A-ranked conference series.

  • 12 Jun 2017

    MATH-EX 17 - Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for Extreme Scale

    Localització: ICCS2017, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, 12-14 June 2017 The exact date of the workshop will be announced closer to the conference.
    Enregistrar-se 2017-06-12 00:00:00 2017-06-14 23:00:00 Europe/Madrid MATH-EX 17 - Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for Extreme Scale For details, click on the following event link: ICCS2017, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, 12-14 June 2017 The exact date of the workshop will be announced closer to the conference.

    The 4th Workshop MATH-EX 17, Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for Extreme Scale, is part of the International conference in Computational Science (ICCS2017), to be held in ETH - Zurich, Switzerland, 12-14 June 2017. The theme for ICCS 2017 is “The art of Computational Science. Bridging Gaps – Forming Alloys”. ICCS is an ERA 2010 A-ranked conference series.

  • 07 Jun 2017

    SORS: RISC-V: Instruction sets want to be free

    Localització: Sala d´Actes FIB.
    2017-06-07 12:00:00 2017-06-07 12:00:00 Europe/Madrid SORS: RISC-V: Instruction sets want to be free For details, click on the following event link: Sala d´Actes FIB.

    This talk will cover the technical features of the RISC-V ISA design, which has the goals of scaling from the tiniest implementations for IoT up to the largest warehouse-scale computers, with support for extensive customization. We'll also describe industry-competitive open-source cores developed at UC Berkeley, all written in Chisel, a productive new open-source hardware design language.

  • 06 Jun 2017

    ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum: Genomics, bioinformatics and health - Public-private partnerships in open data

    Localització: PRBB Auditorium, Carrer del Dr. Aiguader, 88 Barcelona 08003 Spain
    Enregistrar-se 2017-06-06 13:30:00 2017-06-07 15:00:00 Europe/Madrid ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum: Genomics, bioinformatics and health - Public-private partnerships in open data For details, click on the following event link: PRBB Auditorium, Carrer del Dr. Aiguader, 88 Barcelona 08003 Spain

    The aim of this Innovation and SME forum is to showcase to companies the free data resources and services that are available through ELIXIR Spain and ELIXIR Europe more generally. It will feature talks from ELIXIR partners on some of the key databases and resources and present examples of innovative companies that are already using public data in their businesses.

  • 06 Jun 2017

    SORS: Processor Paradigms: Evolution or Disruption

    Localització: Sala d´Actes FIB
    2017-06-06 12:00:00 2017-06-06 12:00:00 Europe/Madrid SORS: Processor Paradigms: Evolution or Disruption For details, click on the following event link: Sala d´Actes FIB
