Esdeveniments & Seminaris


You can get further information about the events organized by the Spanish Supercomputing Network in RES website.

  • Dimarts, 24 Abril, 2018 al Dimecres, 25 Abril, 2018
    Simposi Doctoral
  • Dijous, 28 Setembre, 2017 al Divendres, 29 Setembre, 2017
    Reunions d'Usuaris de la RES
    The RES Users’ Conference is an annual event addressed to all the current and potential users of the HPC resources of the Spanish Supercomputing Network.
  • Dijous, 22 Juny, 2017 al Divendres, 23 Juny, 2017
    Formació CUDA
    The course will present the parallelization of several widely-known image and video processing algorithms such as color space conversion, gaussian filtering, and histogramming. Its aim is to be an initial approach to parallel programming to those who may be interested in the potential parallelization of the applications they work with. The course is delivered by the GPU Center of Excellence (GCOE) awarded by NVIDIA to the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) in association with the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC) as a Severo Ochoa workshop.
  • Divendres, 02 Juny, 2017
    Seminaris Científics de la RES
    This workshop, supported by the Spanish Supercomputing Network, is dedicated to getting together combustion researchers across the country, and share experiences and issues related to the modelling of combustion systems.
  • Dijous, 25 Maig, 2017 al Divendres, 26 Maig, 2017
    Seminaris Científics de la RES
    Scientific Workshop supported by the Spanish Supercomputing Network
  • Dijous, 11 Maig, 2017
    Seminaris Científics de la RES
    Next Generation Sequencing technology needs to be intimately linked to supercomputing to be able to process and store all the massive generated data. This is a scientific workshop supported by the Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES).
  • Dimarts, 02 Maig, 2017 al Dijous, 04 Maig, 2017
    Simposi Doctoral
  • Dimecres, 26 Abril, 2017
    Formació CUDA
    Recent advances in Deep Learning have led to a step change in performance in a number of machine perception tasks including visual perception, speech recognition, and natural language understanding after decades of slow progress in these areas. This tutorial is an introduction to the topic with short hands-on session. Strictly through registration. Seminar starts at 9:00am.
  • Dimarts, 20 Setembre, 2016
    Reunions d'Usuaris de la RES
  • Dimarts, 22 Març, 2016 al Divendres, 06 Maig, 2016
    Simposi Doctoral
