Toni Gabaldon
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SpoilControl will train the next generation of polyvalent researchers in the field of sustainable fermentation technologies, able to meet current and future challenges created by microbial spoilage and improve the quality & safety of fermented beverages. Europe is the historical leader of fermented drinks, whose competitiveness is intensively challenged. Microbial...
La adaptación del cultivo de olivar a la realidad impuesta por el cambio climático exige soluciones fundamentadas en la investigación científica con un enfoque multidisciplinar, que combine avances agronómicos e innovaciones tecnológicas. Con este objetivo se ha iniciado el proyecto ‘PROLIVE. Soluciones digitales y...
The comparative genomics group ( ) is jointly affiliated to the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC) and the Biomedical Research Institute (IRB).
The main research interest of our group is to understand the complex relationships between genome sequences and phenotypes and how these two features evolve within and across species. We...
The origin of eukaryotes has been defined as the major evolutionary transition since the origin of life itself. Comparisons of the broad diversity of eukaryotes indicate the complexity of the last eukaryotic common ancestor (LECA), which already showed an intricate intracellular organization well beyond that...
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