Joan Farnos Baulenas

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Head of Dual-Use Technologies at BSC-CNS and responsible of Innovation and Strategy at the Computer Applications in Science and Engineering (CASE) department from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC). Dr. Farnós serves also as an Independent Expert of the European Commission for the Horizon Europe programme. He holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering (UPC-BarcelonaTech) and has over 15 years of experience in R&D execution and project leadership. He has been R&D Mechanical Engineer at UPC-BarcelonaTech, CEO of the SME CFD based on HPC consulting company Termo Fluids S.L., and Head of the Thermal Engineering Division at Eurecat, Technological Centre of Catalonia, before being engaged at BSC-CNS. Dr. Farnós has also background from ESADE Business School on Business Development and IPR. He has been co-author of 7 papers in JCR journals, with >20 contributions to peer-reviewed international conferences and 1 patents. In addition, Dr. Farnós has been involved in >40 national and EU financially supported projects (EIT InnoEnergy, CleanSky2, H2020, Horizon Europe, EuroHPC JU, Clean Hydrogen JU, EDF) and dual-use programmes. In CASE he is aiming to create long-term value for the center and consortia by promoting well-established relationships with the industry, identifying, protecting and valorizing the IP developed, boosting R&D&I results to the market. Dr. Farnós is currently the Innovation Manager of the EIC Pathfinder QUSTom, from the EU Center of Excellence in Combustion (CoEC), Technical Manager of the EuroHPC JU Nextsim, and Project Innovation Manager of the EU Center of Excellence in Solid Earth (ChEESE-2P).