The Data Management group is dedicated to ensuring that researchers using BSC infrastrucutre have the tools, support, and knowledge they need to manage their data effectively throughout its lifecycle. Its mission is achieved by fostering open science practices, promoting data sharing, and setting up a robust infrastructure for data storage, processing, and analysis. This includes not only supporting ongoing research but also contributing to strategic projects that shape the future of data management within the organization.
The main objectives for the Data Management team are :
- Provide training, support researchers with data management plans, ensure good practices adoption, and drive open science initiatives
- Contribute to strategic national and European projects and initiatives about data management and executing data management tasks.
- Manage the BSC cloud infrastructure, ensuring smooth project migrations and user support
- Develop and maintain essential tools like Dataverse and B2DROP, guaranteeing a robust and reliable data platform at BSC.
- Monitoring and usage accounting of BSC data services and infrastructure.