Andres Yarce Botero

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I was born on 24-12-1987 in Medellin, Colombia. From 1994 to 2005 I went to primary school at Colegio Italiano Leonardo Da Vinci, Bogotá Colombia (1994–2000) and at Colegio Padre Manyanet, Medellin Colombia (2001–2005).
I studied Physics at Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin Colombia (2006–2009) not finished and later studied Physical Engineering at Universidad EAFIT, Medellin Colombia (2010–2014). From 2015-2016 I did a MSc in Applied Physics at Universidad EAFIT, Medellin Colombia and from 2006–2014
In 2024 I received my Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics/Mathematical Engineering from TuDelft in Delft, the Netherlands, and Universidad EAFIT, Medellin, Colombia, with a thesis entitled Data assimilation in a LOTOS-EUROS chemical transport model for Colombia using satellite measurements. 

During my Ph.D., I worked as a postdoc in the TuDelft-KNMI-VU PIPP project “High Resolution to Exploit Nitrogen Chemical Compound Observations from Space in the Netherlands” (2021—2024).