Eduardo Quinones Moreno

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Hi ha un consens compartit en el sector agrícola sobre la importància que tindrà l'agricultura de precisió con a eina imprescindible per la millora de la productivitat. L´agricultura de precisió es basa en d'eines d'anàlisis computacionals per optimitzar l'ús de recursos agrícoles, aplicant-los en aquelles parts d...

ASCENDER integrará las tecnologías más relevantes para permitir la aplicación de métodos de análisis de datos extremadamente grandes, en constante crecimiento, escasos, dispersos y heterogéneos. Para ello, el proyecto implementará una arquitectura software para el desarrollo, despliegue y ejecución eficiente de...

The PPHA group focuses on the research of SW and HW solutions for the development, deployment and efficient execution of parallel and heterogeneous computing systems required to process huge amounts of data across the compute continuum, addressing edge, cloud and HPC. The group addresses the complete system stack: (1) HW solutions, by researching on highly parallel and energy...

Data has become one of the most valuable assets, driving the digital transformation across many sectors. Current data mining solutions are optimized to deal with specific data requirements, but fail to cope as the data characteristics become extreme. There is therefore an urgent need for novel and holistic approaches to enable the development, deployment and efficient...
