Seminaris anteriors

Dilluns, 20 Novembre, 2017

This seminar is organized jointly with UPC TelecomBCN school. This session will include two talks from industry leaders in the field of artificial intelligence.

Dilluns, 23 Octubre, 2017

This seminar is jointly organized with the High Performance Computing research group (CAP) of the Computer Architecture Department at UPC.

Dimarts, 11 Juliol, 2017

The most common software update on the AppStore *by far* is "Bug fixes and performance enhancements." Now that Moore's Law Free Lunch has ended, programmers have to work hard to get high performance for their applications. But why is performance so hard to deliver?

Dimarts, 27 Juny, 2017

Dilluns, 12 Juny, 2017

This talk will discuss recent technologies that Bruce Jacob and his group have helped to develop in high-performance systems, including Micron’s Hybrid Memory Cube, flash-based main memories, and high-bandwidth/high-capacity memory, and will discuss the impact of tomorrow’s memory technologies on tomorrow’s applications and operating systems.
