High performance computing (HPC) has transformed scientific research across numerous disciplines by supportingtheory and experiments with numerical simulations. Exascale computing is the next milestone in HPC and is called to play an important role in economic competitiveness, societal challenges and science leadership. Combustion isone of the fields with high strategic...
L’ IOT (Internet de les coses) és un sector emergent basat en tecnologies impulsores com la connectivitat tant en alta velocitat com en alta cobertura, la alta capacitat de computació, la reducció del consum energètic, les tecnologies d’analítica de dades i aprenentatge però també associat a reptes socials com la...
The traditional view is that species and their genomes evolve only by vertical descent, leading to evolutionary histories that can be represented by bifurcating lineages. However, modern evolutionary thinking recognizes processes of reticulate evolution, such as horizontal gene transfer or hybridization, which involve total or partial...
Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are abundant in mammalian transcriptomes. However, it remains unclear how many of them are functional, and how their functions are performed. LncRNAs seem to be poorly conserved at the sequence level, but some of them share conserved structural elements and are present at syntenic genomic positions in different species.
CAMS_43 is a project that requires experience and expertise in several domains: global aerosol modelling, physics and chemistry of the atmosphere, data assimilation and its computational aspects, as well as a detailed knowledge on the architecture and functioning of the IFS. Our proposal is a continuation and an extension of what was achieved during phase 1 of CAMS_43. It...
Un dels principals obstacles per l'aplicació del coneixement sobre el cervell humà és lafragmentació de la investigació i les dades que produeix. Es necessita una iniciativa coordinada que utilitzi les tecnologies de la informació i comunicació emergents per integraraquestes dades en una visió unificada del cervell com...
In the previous project, EPIC, we developed a consistent methodological framework for the exploration of disease comorbidity at the molecular level. EPIC provides a first overview of disease interactions from the general level to the one of individual patients. Particularly interesting is the network of patient-subgroups that matches, in a statistically significant manner,...
The aim of the project is to develop a comprehensive framework for generalizing network analytics and fusion paradigms of non-negative matrix factorization to medical data. Heterogeneous, interconnected, systems-level omics data are becoming increasingly available and important in precision medicine. We are seeking to better stratify and subtype patients into risk groups,...
En el marc de les convocatòries d'ajuts per contractar personal investigador novell (FI), les persones beneficiaries són les vinculades a les següents beques:
- 2022 FI_B 00969
- 2023 FI_B 01106
- 2023 FI_B 00680
Understanding the human brain is one of our most significant scientific challenges. Such an understanding can provide profound insights into our humanity, leading to fundamentally new computing technologies and transforming the diagnosis and treatment of brain disorders. Modern ICT brings this prospect within reach.
The HBP Flagship Initiative (HBP)...