
Showing 41 - 50 results of 404

The world is experiencing a pivotal era marked by technological developments and breakthrough advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI). One such development is the advent of Large Language Models (LLMs), which will be a disruptive force that profoundly reshapes industries and society. Notwithstanding, the slow down in transistor miniaturization and clock frequency increases...

Atmospheric dust gives us one of the most visible and detectable aspects of transboundary transport of atmospheric constituents, impacting visibility, radiation and climate. What is less evident are its impacts on health, transportation and energy production.

Atmospheric dust is not fully understood at the fundamental level and models fail to fully...

SYNTHIA is an ambitious collaboration between public and private institutions to facilitate the responsible use of Synthetic Data (SD)in healthcare applications. The project will improve the methodological and technical aspects of SD Generation (SDG) by developingnew techniques and advancing established ones for different data modalities, including genomics and imaging, to...

VICT3R aims to significantly reduce the number of animals used in experimental studies performed during the nonclinical drug andchemical safety evaluation by replacing the animals of the concurrent controls groups (CCGs) with Virtual Control Groups (VCGs). These VCGs will be generated by means of state-of-the-art statistical or artificial intelligence (AI) approaches that...
