
Showing 461 - 470 results of 623

Medicina Personalitzada, Genoma del càncer, Nova generació de tecnologies de seqüenciació del DNA, Bioinformàtica genoma càncer, Bioètica genoma humà. El coneixement dels mecanismes moleculars del càncer, les noves tecnologies de seqüenciació del DNA i l'expansió de noves teràpies dirigides...

Environmental perturbations to lakes and reservoirs occur largely as episodic climatic events. These range from relatively short mixing events to storms and heat waves. While the driving events occur along a continuum of frequency and magnitude, however, their effect is generally longer lasting than the events themselves. In addition, the more extreme weather events are now...

Fog computing brings cloud computing capabilities closer to the end-device and users, while enabling location-dependent resource allocation, low latency services, and extending significantly the IoT services portfolio as well as market and business opportunities in the cloud sector. With the number of devices exponentially growing globally, new cloud and fog models are...

The Research Infrastructure (RI) ACTRIS Aerosols, Clouds and Trace Gases project - was a pan-European RI that consolidated activities amongst European partners for observations of aerosols, clouds, and trace gases and provided an understanding of related atmospheric processes to provide RI services to wide user groups.

ACTRIS was composed of 8...

The EOSC pilot project will support the first phase in the development of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) as described in the EC Communication on European Cloud Initiatives [2016]. 

  • It will establish the governance framework for the EOSC and contribute to the development of European open science policy and best...

PRACE, the Partnership for Advanced Computing is the permanent pan-European High Performance Computing service providing world-class systems for world-class science. Systems at the highest performance level (Tier-0) are deployed by Germany, France, Italy and Spain providing researchers with over 11 billion core hours of compute time. HPC experts from 25 member...

The aim of PAISA is to make a leap forward in our understanding of the origin of high atmosphere particular mattaer (PM) concentrations in main urban areas in Spain and to provide comprehensive spatial and temporal estimates of the contribution from different source classes (activities and regions) to the mixtures of PM components (both primary and secondary).

El proyecto SEMIOTIC pretende dar respuesta a la necesidad de gestionar de forma energéticamente eficiente las Comunidades Inteligentes a partir de datos generados por sensores del Internet de las Cosas (Internet of Things, IOT) estudiando varios problemas relacionados con (i) el procesamiento de los datos generados por sensores del IoT y (ii) el impacto de dichos...

VMutate desarrollará la próxima plataforma computacional para el desarrollo eficiente de la ingeniería de enzimas de interés industrial. Para ello, integraremos técnicas y datos ómicos (de diferentes servidores y bases de datos), con metodologías vanguardistas de modelado molecular y atómico y, además, el...

In its communication on the European Cloud Initiative the European Commission in April 2016 stressed the need forbuilding an European Data Infrastructure including high-end supercomputers, which will around 2022 reach the exascaleperformance level. In this proposal, a group of leading European supercomputing centres propose the formation of a buyersgroup to execute a joint...
