El BSC presentarà les seves últimes tecnologies a l’SC19

14 Novembre 2019

La conferència SC19 tindrà lloc a Denver (Colorado) del 17 al 22 de novembre. Com cada any, el BSC tindrà un paper actiu al programa tècnic i oferirà també minipresentacions sobre les seves últimes tecnologies a l’estand.

En aquest requadre es llisten totes les activitats de l’SC19 en què participen els investigadors del centre:




TUTORIAL  Mastering Tasking with OpenMPXavier Teruel

17 November 2019, 8:30


PANEL Parallel Applications Workshop, Alternatives to MPI+XRosa Badia

17 November 2019, 16:00


WORKSHOP Sixth SC Workshop on Best Practices for HPC Training and Education (BPHTE19): Maria R. Sancho

17 November 2019, 15:30


TUTORIAL Practical Persistent Memory Programming: Javier Conejero

18 November 2019, 8:30


WORKSHOP Parallel SFC-based mesh partitioning and load balancing, at the 10th Workshop on Latest Advances in Scalable Algorithms for Large-Scale Systems (ScalA) 2019Ricard Borrell

18 November 2019, 17:10


BOF User-Level Threads for Performant and Portable HPC: Jesús Labarta

19 November 2019, 12:15


BOF Sisyphus’ Work: Adapting Applications to New HPC Architectures - a European PerspectiveMateo Valero

20 November 2019, 12:15


BOF Challenges and Opportunities in Academic HPC Systems Research in 2030: Paul Carpenter

20 November 2019, 17:15


BOF Big Data and Exascale Computing (BDEC2) Community Roundtable: Rosa Badia 20 November 2019, 17:15 704-706
BOF Multi-Level Memory and Storage for HPC, Data Analytics, and AIJavier Conejero 20 November 2019, 17:15 607

POSTER Hybrid CPU/GPU FE2 multi-scale implementation coupling Alya and microppGuido Giuntoli

21 November 2019, 8:30

E Concourse

BOF European HPC Ecosystem Summit: Oriol Pineda

21 November 2019, 12:15


WORKSHOP IPDRM 2019, Third Annual Workshop on Emerging Parallel and Distributed Runtime Systems and MiddlewareMarc Casas

22 November 2019, 8:35


PANEL HPC Big Data and AI: Computing under ConstraintsRosa Badia

22 November 2019, 10:30



Visita el nostre booth (1975) i et presentarem les novetats de les nostres tecnologies i els principals projectes.

Dimarts, 19 de novembre

  • 12:00 – 12:30: Xerrada sobre Advanced I/O developed under the EoCoE2 project (Leonardo Bautista)
  • 14:00 – 14:30: Demo sobre PyCOMPSs - Accelerating parallel code with PyCOMPSs and Numba (Rosa Badia i Javier Conejero)

Dimecres, 20 de novembre

  • 13:00 – 13:30: Demo sobre PyCOMPSs - Parallel machine learning with dislib (Rosa Badia i Javier Conejero)
  • 15:00 – 15:30: Xerrada sobre OmpSs-2 - Introduction to the OmpSs-2 programming model (Xavier Teruel)

Dijous, 21 de novembre

  • 11:00 – 11:30: Demo sobre PyCOMPSs - Fault-tolerance mechanisms for dynamic PyCOMPSs workflows (Rosa Badia i Javier Conejero)