NEWSLETTER July 2017 |
News |
MareNostrum 4 begins operation
According to the Top500 ranking, the MN 4 supercomputer’s general-purpose cluster is the 3rd most powerful one in Europe and the 13th in the world. During its first four months of operation, MareNostrum 4 is used for research projects on climate change, gravitational waves, a vaccination against AIDS, new radiation treatments to fight cancer and simulations relating to the production of fusion energy, among other areas.
BSC participated in a Nature Physics paper on fusion energy experiments
The paper describes a new technique for the efficient generation of high-energy ions with electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in multi-ion fusion plasmas. This study has been a collaborative effort between EU and US scientists together with contributions from a large number of international institutions.
New data on the protective effects of Alzheimer's on Cancer
Patients with Alzheimer's disease have a higher risk of developing glioblastoma and a lower risk of lung cancer. A paper published in Scientific Reports by researchers headed by Alfonso Valencia, describes the biological processes that underlie this comorbidity.
What does the city sound like? BSC at Sónar’17
BSC presented the project Sonomap at Sónar+D. Sonomap is an immersive multichannel data experience, which lets you fly above Barcelona to see, hear, and feel urban noise and rhythm. The data came from heterogeneous sources like LIDAR measurements, governmental open data for noise levels and traffic, and proprietary physical models to combine and visualize all the data together in the hybrid real/virtual stage.
Over 350 HPC experts came to BSC for the European HPC Summit Week 2017
BSC hosted from 15 to 19 May the 2nd edition of the European HPC Summit Week, the premier networking forum for HPC experts in Europe. Bringing together over 300 attendees from different sectors, the event showcased the latest innovations in a wide range of HPC application areas, as well as investigating future technologies.
BSC hosted the 11th progress meeting of the Aerosol Climate Change Initiative project
BSC performed a user case study on the assimilation of mineral dust observations into their chemical weather prediction system, with the aim to showcase their potential to improve prediction and monitoring of mineral dust, as well as to provide guidelines for the future development of dedicated dust observation products tailored for data assimilation.
BSC hosted its 4th Doctoral Symposium
Around 90 attendees took part in the event with 45 talks and poster presentations given by PhD students representing all the research departments at BSC. The goal of the symposium was twofold: first, to provide a framework to share results of research undertaken by PhD students at BSC; second, to offer training sessions on topics and skills that will be useful to them as future researchers and professionals.
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