PRACE Advanced Training Centre Courses at BSC

22 Octubre 2012

Autumn 2012 – Summer 2013

PRACE, the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (, has established six of its members’ sites: Barcelona Supercomputing Center (Spain), CINECA - Consorzio Interuniversitario (Italy), CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd (Finland), EPCC at the University of Edinburgh (UK), Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (Germany) and Maison de la Simulation (France) as the first PRACE Advanced Training Centres.
The mission of the PRACE Advanced Training Centres (PATCs) is to carry out and coordinate training and education activities that enable the European research community to utilise the computational infrastructure available through PRACE.

This session we are offering a set of brand new courses such as the Parallel Programming workshop and the series of courses introducing tools and environments for the application areas of Engineering, Earth and Life Sciences as well as the introduction of the new MareNostrum III.

We are also continuing to offer the well-established and sought after courses in Performance Analysis, Heterogeneous Programming and Introduction to CUDA.
This year again you will have the opportunity to learn about novel developments in computer architecture on the Tibidabo Machine workshop.

PATC courses are attended by specialists from across Europe and all lectures and materials are in English. The attending students can benefit from the hands-on sessions and communication with our internationally renowned instructors.

Participants will be issued a Certificate of Attendance.

The PATCs do not charge fees for their courses.
The number of seats for all courses is limited. Please if you want to attend register in time.
PATC @ BSC Courses in 2012-2013 Academic year

• Parallel Programming Workshop - 26 to 30 November 2012
• Introduction to simulation environment for Earth Sciences - 13 and 14 December 2012
• Engineering simulation tools: ALYA, FALL3D & PANDORA - 6 to 8 February 2013
• Simulation environment for Life Sciences -14 and 15 March 2013
• Systems Workshop: Programming MareNostrum III - 17 and 18 April 2013
• Performance Analysis and Tools -13 and 14 May 2013
• Heterogeneous Programming on GPUs with MPI + OmpSs - 15 and 16 May 2013
• Systems Workshop: Programming ARM based prototypes - 17 May 2013
• Introduction to CUDA Programming - 3 to7 June 2013
• PUMPS Summer School 8 to 12 July 2013

Further details and application form can be found at:

If you have any questions, please contact us at