Open Applications for PRACE Summer of HPC

16 Febrer 2015

Up to 20 top applicants from across Europe will be selected to participate. Participants will spend from 29th June to 31 August 2015 working on projects related to PRACE scientific or industrial work and ideally produce a visualisation or video of their results.

Interested in spending the summer working abroad at a European High Performance Computing (HPC) Centre?

Summer of HPC is a PRACE programme that offers summer placements at HPC centres across Europe to late stage undergraduates and early stage postgraduate students. Up to 20 top applicants from across Europe will be selected to participate. Participants will spend from 29th June to 31 August 2015 working on projects related to PRACE scientific or industrial work and ideally produce a visualisation or video of their results.

Applications are welcome from all disciplines until 28 February 2015.

In the third edition of this programme, BSC will host the first training week at the end of June as well as it will host two students. The research projects to be developed in Barcelona are:

Project Name


Graphical interface for real time monitoring, automatic event detection, and alert triggering in HPC parallel software

Fernando Cucchietti

Collaborative interface for in-situ visualization and steering of HPC molecular dynamics simulations

Fernando Cucchietti


If you would like to know more information about previous editions of this programme at BSC, please see the video below:

For any further information about this programme, please do not hesitate to get in touch with