International PHD Programme Fellowships BSC-La Caixa

22 Gener 2014

This programme aims to help the recruitment of talented students from across the world by doing their doctoral thesis work in one of the accredited “Severo Ochoa” centres of excellence

Since 1982, the “la Caixa” Foundation has offered several fellowship programmes aimed at allowing students to undertake postgraduate studies in Spain and abroad. Over the years, thousands of students have advanced their training thanks to “la Caixa” Foundation fellowship. In 2008, the “la Caixa” Foundation launched a new programme addressed to national and international students. As part of this programme, each year fellowships are awarded to students who wish to complete work toward their doctoral degrees.

BSC-CNS is at the service of the international scientific community and industry that require High Performance Computing resources. The multidisciplinary research team and the computational facilities –including MareNostrum – make BSC-CNS an international center of excellence in e-Science.

Under a collaborative Framework Agreement, the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the “la Caixa” Foundation continue the fellowship programme started last year with a 2nd call. This programme aims to help the recruitment of talented students from across the world by doing their doctoral thesis work in one of the accredited “Severo Ochoa” centres of excellence. The objective of this joint activity is to boost the research capacity of the best research institutions in Spain. For this year, the “la Caixa” Foundation has selected the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS) to offer four grants more for the academic year 2014-2015 addressed to PhD students. This grant is renewable up to four years.

BSC-CNS is looking for young scientists from the national and international community who wish to do their PhD in a stimulating environment, rich in technological resources and campus life. We encourage applications from highly motivated engineers and computer scientists with outstanding qualifications. Successful candidates will join research groups with top-level scientists and will carry out their research in cutting-edge areas of Computer Sciences, Life Sciences, Earth Sciences and Computer Applications in Sciences and Engineering.

Conditions and benefits

The training programme will last 4 years to complete the PhD thesis. The grant will be renewable on a yearly basis and will last 2 + 2 years. Therefore the first two years will be covered by a fellowship, after which this initial period will be evaluated for renewal for a maximum of two more years through an employment contract.

The grant will be 18,069 € gross per year during the first two years and 26,700 € gross per year during the following 2-year employment contract, will include the social security systems contributions during the 4 years.

BSC-"la Caixa" fellows will benefit from the Training Programme and BSC staff benefits:

  • International multidisciplinary scientific environment.
  • Advanced research training
  • Advanced computational facilities

Additional funds

The awardees of “la Caixa” grants will receive additional funding of 1500€ per year during the grant period and 1700€ per year during the contract period. This funding is assigned to cover the PhD tuition fees, in addition to expenses derived from congress attendance, training sessions or any other activity related to the scientific or academic activity of the awarded.


Please find all the information here