Seminaris de Recerca Severo Ochoa

Dimarts, 28 Maig, 2024

Speaker: Jordi Ascensi-Sala. Head of Technology at Andorra Research + Innovation (AR+I).
Host: Ulises Cortés. High Performance Artificial Intelligence Group Manager, Computer Sciences, BSC.
Dimarts, 28 Maig, 2024

Speaker: Galadriel Brière. Postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Mathematics of Marseille and Marseille Medical Genetics.
Host: Alfonso Valencia, Life Sciences Department Director, BSC.
Dilluns, 27 Maig, 2024

Speaker: Cristina Guzmán (UPC) and Manuela Battaglinni (UPC-BSC)
Host: Atia Cortés (BSC).
Dijous, 23 Maig, 2024

Speaker: Mercè Botinas i Martí, Dr. at Centre de Diagnòstic i Tractament and Centre d'Anàlisi i Programes Sanitaris CAPS.
Host: Alba Jené, Coordinadora Científica del Departamento de Ciencias de la Vida, BSC.
Dijous, 09 Maig, 2024

Speaker: Mosè Giordano, UCL.
Host: Sergio Sánchez Ramírez, BSC.
Dijous, 09 Maig, 2024

Speaker: Anna Pascual. Postdoctoral researcher. Spatial Genomics Team Leader.
Host: Marta Melé. Transcriptomics and Functional Genomics Lab, Life Sciences Group, BSC.
Dijous, 09 Maig, 2024

Speaker: Yuechen Lu. Second-year PhD student at China University of Petroleum-Beijing
Host: Marc Casas. Leading researcher -SOftware research and development vehicles for New ARchitectures (SONAR), Computer Sciences, BSC.
Dimarts, 30 Abril, 2024

Speaker: Kazuaki Matsumura. Sr. Software Engineer on the NVIDIA HPC Compiler team.
Host: Antonio Peña. Accelerators and Communications for High Performance Computing. Computer Sciences, BSC.
Dijous, 25 Abril, 2024

  • Associate professor, Rune Nydal, Program for applied ethics, Department of Philosophy at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU.
  • Professor Astrid Lægreid, Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU.
Host:  Miguel Vázquez, Genome Informatics Group Leader, BSC.
Dijous, 11 Abril, 2024

Speaker: Prof. Zhangxi Tan. Member of technical steering committee at RISC-V International. Adjunct professor at the Shenzhen International Graduate School (SIGS) of Tsinghua University. Co-Director of the RISC-V International Open-Source Laboratory (RIOS Lab).
Host: Miquel Moretó. High Performance Domain-Specific Architectures - Group Manager. Computer Sciences, BSC.
