Seminaris de Recerca Severo Ochoa

Dilluns, 20 Febrer, 2023


Speaker: Sergi Girona, Operations Department Director at Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC).

Dijous, 16 Febrer, 2023


Speaker: Ana Conesa, Research Professor at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
Host: Salvador Capella, INB Group Leader- Life Sciences BSC

Dijous, 16 Febrer, 2023


Speaker: Marina Baldissera Pacchetti, BSC’s Earth Sciences Department and Sustainability Research Institute, University of Leeds.
Host: Dragana Bojovic, Earth System Services Group Recognised Researcher, BSC

Dimarts, 14 Febrer, 2023


Speaker: Maximilian Kotz , Research Department IV of Complexity Science, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Germany.
Host: Markus Donat, Climate variability and change coleader, Earth Sciences

Dimarts, 07 Febrer, 2023


Speaker: Gopinath Mahale, PhD., Group Established Researcher, Computer Sciences, European Exascale Accelerator
Host: Teresa Cervero, Leading Research Engineer, Computer Sciences, European Exascale Accelerator group

Dimecres, 01 Febrer, 2023


Speaker: Dimitris Gizopoulos, Professor, Department of Informatics & Telecommunications, University of Athens
Host: Petar Radojkovic, Memory technologies Established Researcher, Computer Sciences, BSC

Dijous, 26 Gener, 2023


Speaker: Àlex Arenas, Professor of the Department of Computer Engineering and Mathematics (DEIM) of the Rovira i Virgili University
Hosts: Alfonso Valencia, Computational Biology Life Sciences Group Director and Miguel Ponce de León, Computational Biology Life Sciences Group

Dijous, 19 Gener, 2023


Speaker: Váleri Vásquez, University of California Berkeley (USA)
Host: Rachel Lowe, Global Health Resilience Leading Researcher, Earth Sciences

Dijous, 19 Gener, 2023


Speaker: Nataly Buslón Valdez, HR and Equity Officer BSC
Host: Marc González Vidal, Head of Human Resources BSC

Dilluns, 16 Gener, 2023


Speaker: Virginia Dignum, Umeå University – Professor at Department of Computing Science
Host: Ulises Cortés, High Performance Artificial Intelligence Group Manager, CS
