Ulises Cortes

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Motivated by the challenges, risks and opportunities that the use of AI brings to the media, society and politics, AI4Media aspires to become a centre of excellence and to create a wide network of researchers across Europe and beyond, with a focus on delivering the next generation of core AI advances that serve the key sector of the Media. It will ensure that the European...

The HumanE AI Net brings together top European research centers, universities and key industrial champions in a network of centers of excellence that goes beyond a narrow definition of AI and combines world leading AI competence with key players in related areas such as HCI, cognitive science, social sciences and complexity science. Doing so is crucial for developing a truly...

SoBigData++ strives to deliver a distributed, Pan-European, multi-disciplinary research infrastructure for big social data analytics, coupled with the consolidation of a cross-disciplinary European research community, aimed at using social mining and big data to understand the complexity of our contemporary, globally-interconnected society. SoBigData++ is set to advance on...

Artificial Intelligence is a disruptive technology of our time with expected impacts that rival those of electricity or printing. Resources for innovation are currently dominated by giant tech companies in North America and China. To ensure European independence and leadership, it is important to invest wisely by bundling, connecting and opening European AI resources.
