The BSC Communication team’s mission is to publicize the BSC and its activity through the center's own channels (web, profiles in social networks, newsletter, visits to MareNostrum supercomputer) and the media and the organization and participation in activities to strengthen the public awareness and understanding of science and technology. It also manages the internal communication of the center
Computing with You programme
We are all aware that science and research contribute to the progress of our society. At BSC we see science and technology outreach as a fundamental part of our responsibilities as a public center. Making our research accessible to the public, promoting scientific culture, helping awaken scientific and technical vocations in young people and working to reduce the gender gap are objectives that are very close to our heart. Check some of our action in this field here.
We are glad to allow visits to the MareNostrum supercomputer housed in the Torre Girona chapel, always with previous appointment. You can plan your visit here.
Social media: You can keep up to date on BSC's activities by following us on social media:
News page: www.bsc.es/news