Volcanic ash dispersal modelling. The model was originally developed for inert volcanic particles (tephra) and has a track record of 50+ publications on different model applications and code validation, as well as an ever-growing community of users worldwide, including academia, private, research, and several institutions tasked with operational forecast of volcanic ash clouds.

Research Lines:
GPL License (Version 3.0 or later)
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GPL License (Version 3.0 or later) (Latest Version)
Relevant changes have been introduced in FALL3D-7.0. The main new features added to FALL3D-7.0 include:
• A unified source code for both serial and parallel versions (only the serial version was available for public distribution in previous releases);
• The possibility of using forecasts/reanalysis meteorological data from several global/meso-scale meteorological models (not available for public distribution in previous releases);
• Different parameterizations available for ash aggregation. For computational reasons, a preliminary Total Grain Size Distribution (TGSD) file (furnished either by the user or generated by the pre- process SETTGSD utility program) is modified in order to create the final ”effective” granulometry file filename.grn which can include an aggregated class and a volatile species, treated as tracers;
• An option describing the cloud spreading at the Neutral Buoyancy Level (NBL) for large eruptions using a semi-analytical gravity current model;
• New parameterizations for resuspension of deposited volcanic ash by wind; • A parameterization to account for wet deposition;
• Two new parameterizations to estimate cross-wind effects on Mass Eruption Eruption (MER);
• A new multi-platform installation method that utilizes the configure command option. The pro- gram can be installed on different machines sharing the same filesystem or on a single machine that has different compilers.
Release Notes