Albert Soret

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Sub-seasonal to decadal climate forecasting to adapt to climate variability (RESILIENCE)

Seasonal-to-decadal climate predictability in the Mediterranean: process understanding

El projecte té com a objectiu l execució i la millora dels sistemes de qualitat de l aire CALIOPE, per a oferir el pronòstic horari a 24 h i 48 h de NO2, O3 i PM10 a Catalunya (1 km x 1 km), i CALIOPE-Urban per a ampliar la cobertura espacial del pronòstic horari de NO2 a altres municipis fora de Barcelona (entre 20 m x 20 m i 100 m x 100 m).L...

The aim of the BOREAS project is to blend knowledge from climate predictions and projections to make the Spanish energy sector more resilient to climate variability and climate change, hence contributing to the better management of the current climate and energy crises.

Spain has the objective to reach climate neutrality by 2050, which is part of the...
