Software development for protein-protein interactions

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Pirepred es un proyecto que crea una Red de cooperación transfronteriza para coordinar los programas de cribado neonatal de las regiones participantes y desarrollar herramientas bioinformáticas de diagnóstico genético para que los médicos dispongan de la interpretación más atinada de las mutaciones...

The proposed project will study molecular recognition phenomena in proteins, at structural, physico-chemical and functional levels. After the vast amount of data generated from the genomics and proteomics projects, the next grand challenge is the characterization of all the interactions between proteins and other biomolecules, and the present project aims to contribute in...

The evolution of protein interactions has produced interaction networks and much biological complexity. Although molecular phylogenetics reveals the end points of evolutionary searches, little is known about the trajectories of interacting proteins through sequence space over evolutionary time. A major bottleneck is the inability to extensively map how binding affinity...