E-infraestructures are becoming increasingly necessary to provide a computational basis for research communities. Computational infrastructures should combine efficient ways of managing data, and also provide workflow execution a different levels, from local clusters, to supercomputers.
E-infraestructures are becoming increasingly necessary to provide a computational basis for research communities. Research groups no longer can afford the provision of local infrastructures. Instead, public or private cloud based installations provide a flexible way to adapt the infrastructure to the specific needs of the research. Computational infrastructures should combine efficient ways of managing data, and also provide workflow execution a different levels, from local clusters, to supercomputers. Our group is exploring the use of cloud based infrastructures in bioinformatics, bridging the gap between traditional bioinformatics tools.
- Explore strategies to develop e-infrastructures for omics and machine learning.
- Develop interfaces to allow traditional bioinformatics tools to be executed efficiently in several models of e-infrastructures.