Licensable technology created by BSC

Showing 41 - 60 results of 159

DLB is a library devoted to speedup hybrid parallel applications. And at the same time DLB improves the efficient use of the computational resources inside a computing node.
More information and downloads can be found at:

The Dynamic Management of Resources Application Programming Interface (DMR API) is conceived to facilitate the programmability of malleable applications automating resource reallocation, process handling, and data distribution. Process malleability is the capability of reconfiguring the number of processes of an application on-the-fly, in other words, during its execution.

A library designed to offer the global advantages of process malleability while providing a minimalist MPI-like syntax.

DYON selects a suitable CPU partition for a set of processes to improve a metric. For example, if we have a process that improves I/O and another that is using CPU. The partition will offer a CPU partition (20%-80%) if that improves the target metric. The technique allows to use metrics that are no monotonic, for example, in some cases increasing the CPU count for a shared application could decrease the performance if other processes get hung.

For individual/non-commercial use: BSD License (Version 3.0) For commercial use: EPL License (Version 1.0)

EAR software is a management framework optimizing the energy and efficiency of a cluster of interconnected nodes. To improve the energy of the cluster, EAR provides energy control, accounting, monitoring and optimization of both the applications running on the cluster and of the overall global cluster.


ecoHMEM is a software ecosystem implementing novel and proven methodology to address automatic object-level placement for heterogeneous memory systems equipped with DRAM, HBM, Persistent Memory, etc.

ENDCast: El Niño Driven Disease Forecasting is a web application that can provide early warnings of climate-sensitive infectious disease outbreaks in hotspots impacted by El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). In the initial prototype, 1 to 6 month forecasts were generated in hotspots across the Latin America and Caribbean region for two vector-borne diseases (dengue and malaria) and one water-borne zoonosis (leptospirosis).

Platform based on machine learning likely to have the following characteristics:

• It will extract features from input esterase sequences in FASTA format.

• It will filter those sequences that are too different from the training dataset because of the applicability domain phenomenon, since using a model to predict on proteins that the system has not seen and trained on before will likely produce errors.

• Finally, it will classify the sequences based on its promiscuity, >20 will be considered promiscuous and <20 non promiscuous.

This is a version of the Compiler Explorer tool tailored for EPI. It's a web application that allows running a compiler interactively to obtain the output of the compiler.

OpenPiton is an open-source scalable framework for supporting different cores interconnected through a NoC. It integrates the OpenPiton design in new FPGA HW platfrom: Alveo U280. The addition will help other designers to use OpenPiton in a different HW platforms further than the ones provided by the OpenPiton Framework by default. More specifically, adding support for the Xilinx Alveo U280, and U55C.

Extraction of information on transcription factors and their targets from the literature.

GPL License (Version 3.0 or later)

Volcanic ash dispersal modelling. The model was originally developed for inert volcanic particles (tephra) and has a track record of 50+ publications on different model applications and code validation, as well as an ever-growing community of users worldwide, including academia, private, research, and several institutions tasked with operational forecast of volcanic ash clouds.

FTI is a multi-level checkpointing library for HPC applications with a simple API easy to use and offers a flexible configuration to enable the user to select the checkpointing strategy which fits best to the problem.

The FOCUS-Africa multi-annual shiny app is an interactive website based on the R Shiny App package that includes annual and multi-annual forecasts of climate variables and drought indicators for the Southern African region (maps and timeseries of regional averages). The forecast quality is also displayed on the website to inform stakeholders about the trustworthiness of the forecasts for each specific region, forecast period, and variable or indicator.

GekkoFS is a file system capable of aggregating the local I/O capacity and performance of each compute node in a HPC cluster to produce a high-performance storage space that can be accessed in a distributed manner. 

It is a flexible infrastructure that enables easy integration of existing RTL models with the popular full-system gem5 simulator.

GenomeVariator is a tool for adding genomic variants to an existing genome (in SAM/BAM/CRAM format). Currently supported variants are SNVs, indels and SVs (insertions, deletions, translocations, inversions and duplications). It generates realistic genomes as almost always less than 99% of the original real genome is modified. 

Set of functionalities to compose genomics analysis: genome alignment, somatic and germline variant calling, copy number estimation, clonality, immunogenicity and others.

GHOST (Globally Harmornised Observation in Space & Time) software harmonises surface measurements of the atmosphere from the world’s major in-situ reporting networks.

GPL License (Version 3.0)

Greasy is a tool designed to make easier the deployment of embarrassingly parallel simulations in any environment. It is able to run in parallel a list of different tasks, schedule them and run them using the available resources.

It is the perfect tool to use, for example, when your application is a serial program, and you need to run a large number of instances with different parameters. Greasy packs all these separate runs and uses the resources granted to run as many tasks as possible in parallel. As this tasks finish, Greasy will continue starting the tasks that were waiting for resources.
