
Big Data Artificial Intelligence BSC Group: Computer Sciences Software

ALOJA Big Data Benchmarking platform includes tools to define and deploy clusters, orchestrate benchmarking, collect and manage results, and analyze them in web app including, Predictive Analytic tools.

Software Author: 

Nicolas Poggi, Josep Lluis Berral, Aaron Call, Davide Brini, Alejandro Montero, David Carrera, Sergio Mendoza

Research Lines:

Apache License (Version 2.0)

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The ALOJA research project is an initiative from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) to explore new hardware architectures for Big Data processing. One of the main goals of the project is to produce a systematic study of SW and HW configuration and deployment options; where we are analyzing the cost-effectiveness of the different cloud services (IaaS or PasS) as well as on-premise hardware, both commodity and up-scale.

This repository includes the on-going open source tools of this project that consists of:

  • Cluster definition and automated deployment
  • Benchmark selection and iteration of configurations
  • Metrics collections, results gathering, and importing into a DB
  • Web application to manage results
  • Advanced data views for aggregate results with filters
  • Predictive Analytics (PA) aka Machine Learning tools for modeling and Knowledge Discovery