
Showing 61 - 68 results of 68

IS-ENES developed a virtual Earth System Modelling Resource Centre (v.E.R.C.), integrating the European Earth system models (ESMs) and their hardware, software, and data environments. The overarching goal of this e-infrastructure was to further integrate the European climate modelling community, to help the definition of a common future strategy, to ease the development of...

DEISA2, funded under the European Commission's FP7 programme, continued to develop and support distributed high performance computing infrastructure by consolidating the existing infrastructure established during the first phase of the project, DEISA1, and extending the collaborative environment for capability computing and data management. The resulting infrastructure was unmatched in the...

The goal of OGF-EUROPE was to stimulate, co-ordinate and harmonise networked actions on Grid adoption across Europe and globally through reinforcement of the Open Standards message and thus capillary diffusion of the Open Grid Forum (OGF) model to Europe in alignment with OGF mission, strategy and leadership.

OGF-EUROPE aimed to mobilise the Grid...

The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) has identified High Performance Computing (HPC) as a strategic priority for Europe. Supercomputers are an indispensable tool to solve the most challenging problems through simulations. If Europe is to remain competitive internationally scientists and engineers must be provided with access to capability computers...

ITER is the next generation of fusion devices and is intended to demonstrate the scientific and technical feasibility of fusion as a sustainable energy source for the future. To exploit the full potential of the device and to guarantee optimal operation for the device a high degree of physics modelling and simulation is needed already in the current construction phase of the...

The costs for ICT infrastructures has increased tremendously as a result of "one-application-one-platform" style deployment. This has resulted in ICT infrastructures with extremely low system utilization and wasted resources. Examples can be found in virtually all areas of modern societies: At the time of this project, a relevant study of six corporate data centers reported...

The main aim of this project was to extend DEISA (Distributed European Infrastructure for Supercomputing Applications), an existing FP6 I3 Grid empowered research infrastructure. Rather than being a new I3 initiative, eDEISA should therefore be understood in the context of the existing DEISA supercomputing grid research infrastructure.


DEISA (Distributed European Infrastructure for Supercomputing Applications) brought together a consortium of leading national supercomputing centres aiming to support pan-European, world-class computer-science research.

The aim of the first phase of the DEISA project, funded under the European Commission's FP6 programme, was to implement and operate a...
