
Showing 1 - 10 results of 68

The key element to ensure efficient use of HPC infrastructures is to optimize the performance and efficiency of the applications.The Centre of Excellence on Performance Optimization and Productivity (POP CoE, was initiated in October 2015with the fundamental purpose of assisting a broad community of HPC application developers and users in both science and...

Cloud, aerosols and their interactions are key regulators of climate. However, uncertainties in the magnitude of the net cooling impact of aerosols on climate and in the cloud response to evolving anthropogenic emissions and climate change induced feedbacks on natural emissions are major challenges that limit our understanding of how global and regional climate, including...

After decades of development and a Nobel prize, Molecular Dynamics (MD) has reached maturity. It is no longer an exotic technique used by a small group of theoreticians but rather a method extensively used by a very large community of users. Millions of supercomputer hours are devoted to collecting trajectories, thus producing a deluge of simulation data that the community is...

Telecommunications and computer vision have evolved as separate scientific areas. This is envisioned to change with the advent of wireless communications with radios operating in the millimetre-wave frequencies and up to the sub-THz, characterised by line-of-sight operating ranges, which could benefit from visual data to accurately predict the wireless channel dynamics such...

EUropean Federation for CAncer IMages (EUCAIM) joins 79 partners to deploy a pan-European digital federated infrastructure of FAIR cancer-related de-identified images from Real-World. The infrastructure is designed to preserve the data sovereignty of providers and provide a platform, including an Atlas of Cancer Images, for the development and benchmarking of AI tools towards...

Data has become one of the most valuable assets, driving the digital transformation across many sectors. Current data mining solutions are optimized to deal with specific data requirements, but fail to cope as the data characteristics become extreme. There is therefore an urgent need for novel and holistic approaches to enable the development, deployment and efficient...

Building on the EPI and EUPilot project outcomes, RISER will develop the first all-European RISC-V cloud server infrastructure, significantly enhancing Europe's genuine strategic autonomy. RISER will leverage and validate open hardware high-speed interfaces combined with a fully-featured operating system environment and runtime system, enabling the integration of low-power...

CloudStars is an Open Source Research Mobility network in the field of Cloud Computing technology. The proposal combines twelve academic institutions in seven European countries (Spain, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Austria, Poland, Switzerland), two academic institutions in third-party countries (Ecuador, Argentina), and three industrial laboratories from IBM (USA,...

The Genomic Data Infrastructure (GDI) project brings together national agencies, research organisations, and technology providers in 22 countries to provide a cross-border federated network of national genome collections, associated with other relevant data, for advancing data-driven biomedical research and personalised medicine solutions to benefit citizens of...

The EHDS2 Pilot project is composed of 16 partners that are national hubs, ERICs or research Infrastructures, EU agencies and associations in the area of health. The partners have expertise in health data fields and transversal skills acquired in different previous projects or partnership networks.

The EHDS2 Pilot project will build and test a first...
